A Teacup for Mother
I remember the old neighbourhood hardware store. The floors creaked as I followed my dad around. The musty corners beckoned me with their variety of goods to explore. Each aisle contained a new adventure with a mixture of housewares and tools and gardening supplies stacked haphazardly on the shelves. I checked out various items as I waited for my father to finish his errand. I enjoyed being able to explore all the interesting knickknacks on this lovely Saturday morning.
As I roamed through the various areas of the store I came across the most beautiful teacups. There were five cup and saucer sets, each with their own unique floral decorations. I spied one that reminded me of my mom – it had beautiful yellow roses on it, like the roses in her garden. Instantly I knew this cup was meant for my mother. With Mother’s Day close at hand I thought how wonderful it would be to give my mom such a beautiful gift.
When I turned over the bottom of the saucer to see the price, I hoped it wouldn’t be too high. My hopes were dashed when I saw that the price tag far exceeded any amount of money that I had at my disposal. What was I to do to purchase the lovely china pieces?
All the way home I pondered how I could raise the funds to buy that yellow roses teacup and saucer. I didn’t receive an allowance and I was too young to work at odd jobs for the neighbours. Being only seven, it was a huge dilemma. I wanted so much to give my mother something pretty and feminine, like her. I knew she loved to drink tea and would use the teacup often. Plus, I wanted her to have something special, just from me.
Thankfully, my dad saw that I was disturbed about something. When he inquired about the source of my frustration, I told him about the beautiful yellow roses teacup. Normally my dad wasn’t too approachable about such things, but this time his heart must have sensed how much giving this gift to my mom meant to me. He took me back to the store and we bought the lovely teacup and saucer set together. As the clerk boxed it up I smiled with delight at the prospect of bringing joy to my dear mother.
As I look back on this event from many years ago I can feel the emotion of that day. The absolute joy I felt to do something special for the dearest person in the world to me still resonates with me today. We didn’t have much financially back then. My mother sacrificed a great deal for my happiness. Her little touches made life special and I knew I was loved beyond measure.
My mother used that teacup for many years until it was finally too cracked to be safe any longer. It was a testament to a mother’s love – enduring and rejoicing in the love of her small daughter’s gift.
Yes, I reminisce. I am truly blessed to have a mom who is and always has been there for me. She still is my confidant and friend. Her laughter and gentle ways bring me joy. Her tenacious spirit inspires me as it has through my entire lifetime.
There have been some rough times in my life and my dear mother has been there. Her understanding and compassion blanket me with love and support. She is and always has been my chief encourager. Ever hopeful and solidly basing her life on the foundation of Jesus Christ, she helps me hope that things will be brighter once again when the storms of life recede.
This pandemic and distance prevent me from seeing her in person this Mother’s Day. But we are together in spirit, our hearts intertwined in a bond that will not break. Today I salute her faith, her courage, her creativity, her love for her family, and so much more. I know about saving faith in Jesus because she taught me. She has given me much in my life, but sharing her faith is truly the greatest gift.
Her life and her influence go on as I pay it forward. Her mothering inspires me and guides me as I mother my own children. My mother’s legacy of faith and love reaches through the generations all the way to her great grandchildren. She is a woman, blessed by God, to be a blessing. May we do the same.