Absolute Joy
A little girl stands at the top of a hill. All around her are children, filled with glee as they go racing down through the snow with their sleds. She is uncertain. It is all so strange to her.
Only weeks ago, she was in the hot, arid climate of Africa. She has had to adjust to many things since her move to our country. Our cold winter is a shock to her. Her experience with snow is limited and sledding is a large unknown.
One of the staff on outside recess supervision approaches her with a sled. I can see the discussion and the sign language as the supervisor tries to convey to the child that she should try sledding. The child, puzzled at first, decides to give it a try. When she comes back up the hill, a look of absolute joy beams from her face.
On the way inside after recess break, this child has to come and share her joy with me. She makes hand motions to show what she did and says, “whoosh”, her way of describing what happened. The girl bubbles with mirth at the exhilarating feeling she experiences flying down the hill on a sled.
Her example really makes me think. How often do I miss out on experiences that might bring me joy because I am reluctant to try a new avenue in life? My hesitancy easily leads to discontent and sometimes even anger at myself for being afraid.
How different it is when I embrace the opportunities God richly provides. Yes, sometimes it feels like God puts me on a large hill and asks me to trust Him as I go sliding down. If I remember that He is there, not only at the top and the bottom, but also on the entire journey, I am strengthened for whatever comes. If I panic or think about all the possible ramifications of a new venture, I can get so bogged down that joy seems almost impossible.

My student absolutely radiated joy that day. Do I? Does the love of Christ shine through me? Do others see in me how absolutely wonderful it is to be saved by the blood of Jesus and that I live in hope of eternal life with Him? Is it clear to those around me, that I have great joy in the Lord? I would love to have the look on my face that this little one had after her first sledding expedition. Too often though, while I do feel joy in Christ’s saving work in me, I let other things get in the way of showing it to others.
An important example from this student is that she has to share her joy with me. As it bubbles out of her, it is contagious. Smiles abound as we rejoice in her new found love of winter play.
As believers, we should have that same infectious joy and share it with whomever we can. The message of salvation is not one to be kept to ourselves. Too often, it is easy to think that we can share our faith another day when it is supposedly more convenient.
But maybe, today is all we have. Getting a cancer diagnosis this summer truly made me realize that every day is precious and that I should make the most of each one. Who knows when God will call me home or when Jesus will return. I would like to think I would be like my student and quickly run to share the joy that overflows in my life.
Dear friends, don’t wait for the bad news – the lost loved one, the horrible diagnosis, or the accident situation – to take action and share what God has done for you. Now is the time to share joy to a world increasingly filled with hopelessness.
But you say – seriously, some days the joy is just not there. Joy, however, is not produced by us. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit – a gift from God. Allow Him to work in your life and minister to your soul. He will open the doors but you must take His lead and walk through them.
Not only do we need to share the joy with others, we need to relish that joy for ourselves. When life has its downer type moments, we need to hold onto that joy of the Lord. It sustains us, through anything.
The Apostle Paul sums it up best:
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NIV)
So, take the plunge. Get on that sled and go careening down the hill of life. Shout for joy with pure glee over Jesus’ great love and mercy.
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