Alive and Well
Martin Luther said, “The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me…”
There are many interesting word pictures in this quote. We don’t usually think of something inanimate as a book as having feet. Yet that is what makes the Bible the most unique book in the world. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, the Bible continues to be a book of action and vitality; its vibrant message spread around the world.
What about the concept of the Bible running after me? This speaks to the fact that it is God who is seeking us. He reaches out to us to offer us life and salvation. God wants everyone to know Him and to trust in His Son’s sacrifice for our sins. His amazing gift of grace seeks us out, offering hope and comfort no matter what happens.
Martin Luther also describes Scripture as having hands that lay hold of us. The Bible is filled with examples of God working in the lives of people. There are lessons to learn, comfort to gain, forgiveness to cherish, and hope to hold onto. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, and enlightens us through God’s Holy Word.

Some think the Bible is just an ordinary book – an outdated book at that. But it is most certainly not. It is as relevant today as when it was written. I can’t imagine life without the comfort and hope that God’s Word brings. The answers are all in there – for life, for salvation, for wisdom, for problem solving, for relationships, and so on.
Luther talks of the Bible speaking to us. Every time I read it; I find the Holy Spirit opening up my mind to new treasures within it. Included are words of praise and adoration, of thankfulness and blessing, of forgiveness and encouragement, of trials and solutions, and of hope and eternity.
Just like it is a challenge to speak to someone who isn’t paying attention to us, Scripture doesn’t have the opportunity to bear fruit in our lives if we don’t make use of it. The more time I spend in God’s Word the more I grow to understand and appreciate it more.
Times have been hectic lately. While I read a daily morning devotion, I haven’t had as much time lately to devote to more intense Scripture study. The fact is – this lack of nourishment is not healthy for me. The effects of not uplifting myself with God’s Word shows. I’ve been more easily agitated and more easily discouraged.
Have you had times like these? Life gets crazy and time with God gets pushed aside. Remember that God’s Word gives hope. Draw closer to Him. Draw strength from Him. He is reaching out to care for you – embrace it.
In our world of changes and challenges, God’s Word stands firm and inerrant. Luther lived through some challenging times in history as well. He clung to God’s Word as one holds on to a lifeboat. We are called to do the same.
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