Assurance and Restoration
We pick up an item from the store with excitement to have something new. As we open the package there is anticipation about how the item will fit into our lives and the uses it will have.
Then we use the item once or twice. It tears, it shrinks, it breaks. Has this happened to you? I find it happening more and more these days as good quality is hard to come by.
When I buy a product, I like to have the assurance that it is going to do what it says it will or have the quality it is supposed to have. It is very frustrating to purchase something only to have it fall apart after minimal usage or not meet up to expectations.
Really, there is very little assurance this world can offer. Even those of us with best intentions falter at times and disappoint others. We make promises that we cannot keep. We mess up and make mistakes.
Thankfully our Heavenly Father is not like that at all. Every one of His promises is kept and followed through. He doesn’t make mistakes and what He builds, no one can break. We have the assurance that God will do as He says and He knows best when the time is right.

We see an example of God’s gracious provision in the book of Zephaniah:
“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17 NIV)
As we read these words, the delight God has for us is evident. After all, we are His marvelous creations, created with infinite care. God is excited to save us and to love us.
God made the mighty salvation plan for us, the plan that ultimately restores us. We have God’s love and forgiveness that changes us from the inside out. This is an amazing restoration promise – that Jesus did all that is needed for us to have the assurance of heaven and full restoration in God’s eyes.
It is easy to get caught up in the cares of this world and all the idiosyncrasies, inconsistencies, improbabilities, and so on. There are very little constants to hold onto.
Even when we attain a long-cherished goal, we still can feel the lack of assurance in our lives as we ponder if that goal is what we truly need or we have other holes in our lives that need to be filled.
We can rest assured that the God who lovingly designed us will also sustain us. In Him we have all the assurance we need to be secure in this life. Yes, things and people in this world will fail us, but God never will.
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