At Every Opportunity
I am not sure how we got on the topic the other day in my classroom, but somehow my students started talking about the first people on earth. Many voiced that Adam and Eve were the first and some even added in about God forming the man from dust. It was awesome to see these young ones share the good news of God lovingly creating us – albeit very innocently. It was a tremendous opportunity for them to witness to their peers.
Many places in our world are seemingly unreachable and even hostile to the Gospel message. In some locations or job positions it is challenging to share our faith because of the work environment. Martin Luther has a good observation about all of this:
“Each one, according to his calling and position, obtains the right and the power of teaching and confessing before others this Word, which we have obtained from Him. Even though not everybody has the public office and calling, every Christian has the right and the duty to teach, instruct, admonish, comfort, and rebuke his neighbour with the Word of God at every opportunity and whenever necessary.” (LW 13:333)
This quote of Luther’s brings out many facets of sharing the Gospel message. How many of us think that because we are not teachers or pastors that we have no place in the Christian education of others? Luther sees the instruction and comfort of others to be part of our obligation as a Christian and God’s Word gives us the right to share it at every opportunity.
Yet often we remain quiet. We hide the knowledge of God’s life saving grace under a rock because we don’t want to “offend” anyone. Yet Luther is saying that we should be sharing God’s wonderful message of salvation through Christ “whenever necessary”. To me that seems to be daily. Our hurting world needs to hear of God’s love for them and how He is caring for us. Even strong, committed Christians need to be taught, comforted, and admonished at times for their faith to continue to be nourished.

We are blessed with many great pastors in our area. But there are so many demands on their time and it is challenging to be in contact with everyone as much as they would like. That is where we lay people can be of great assistance. No, we can’t offer the sacraments or preach in the pulpit, but we surely can share God’s comforting words when things are rough in the life of an acquaintance, friend, or relative. We are also needed to teach our children and grandchildren God’s Word and to give them encouragement as God does for us.
Luther is right that we have the right and also the duty to admonish those who go against what Scripture teaches. I believe this is something that needs to be approached carefully and with great guidance from the Holy Spirit. God’s Word empowers us to reach out to others and to speak out when there is trouble, hurt, hopelessness, or pain to name a few. It also gives us the power to share the joy, hope, and peace we have in Christ.
How does this Luther quote affect you? Do you see opportunities around you? I know I can think of a few people whom God has put in my life that could benefit from hearing God’s Word. Please share examples of strategies that worked for you. I know I am a very quiet person and definitely don’t consider myself evangelistic material. But God can still use me – and He can use you too with His Holy Spirit working in us and through us.
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