Be Strong and Take Heart
Just when I think things are going well, something happens to upset my equilibrium. It would be nice if things could just go okay for a while. Why do these bumps in the road keep happening? It would be really nice to just have a peaceful life for a time at least.
The fact is, in our sinful world, there is no perfect ride. There are twists and turns in the road and many unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.
Sometimes our road is a familiar one, but still there are hidden challenges along the way. Sometimes God takes us on a road less travelled or one in places we never thought we would go. Then what?
As I get mired in the muck of a new road, sometimes I just want to quit. I lament to God about things being too hard. It is tiring to continually try to keep moving forward when so many things want to intercept me and keep me from my goal.
When the road is tough, these words of the Psalmist bring much comfort:
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” (Psalm 31:24 NIV)

These encouraging words are pivotal in our journey through life. We can rely on our loving Heavenly Father. He is the constant and sure foundation, no matter how rocky the road we travel. If we hope in Him then He will give us the strength we need to face whatever obstacles come to us on the road of life.
Well, that is all fine and dandy you say – but how do we have hope when life is turned upside down? How do we get strength to face the not so good days?
We need to trust God’s timing and purpose. This is challenging to do. It means putting our trust completely in the hands of another. Yet it is game changing when we can relax and put our lives in God’s care, knowing that He has the best in mind for us.
Part of handling this is being part of a Christian community with the support of other believers. I have been so grateful to Christian friends and family who support me in challenging times. Without the encouragement of others who have trod difficult paths as well, it would be easy to lose hope.
Immersing ourselves in God’s Word is also a significant source of strength and hope. God gives us so much in His Word to nurture and sustain us throughout all life’s circumstances.
God is there when we hit the potholes on the road and things go sideways. He knows what is best for us. Sometimes we may not see that until years later.
We cannot be strong on our own, but with God all things are possible. Look for our Heavenly Father’s plan and purpose in the road you are on. He will show you what is best. He will walk along beside us.
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