Can Good Come Out of Bad?
As he looks all around him the setting is grim. The walls are filthy and dark and the floor smells dank and dour. Very little light seeps into the cavity that is now his residence. Chains bind his hands and feet. Meals are meagre bits of gruel and bread. His future on earth is uncertain. Yet, in amidst it all he is full of thanksgiving!
My Scripture reading time this week has taken me into Philippians. I love how Paul starts off this book with words of thanksgiving. Paul is full of joy over the Philippians’ positive response to the Gospel. His love for God’s people is evident throughout this book as he encourages them in the faith and to stand firm in the face of persecution.
The subtitle part way through Chapter 1 grabs me – “Paul’s Chains Advance the Gospel”. The initial thought that crosses my mind is how sad it is that Paul isn’t able to be out preaching and teaching because he is confined to a prison. Yet here the Bible is talking about the Gospel being advanced despite Paul being held captive.

Paul says it is a twofold success: Firstly, while in chains he is preaching the Gospel message to anyone who comes in contact with him, all the way from fellow prisoners to palace guards. Paul uses the words “it has become clear…to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.” (Phil. 1:3 NIV) These are people who might never have heard Paul speak if he had been preaching in the public square. Paul shares a second successful benefit of his imprisonment – others, who are encouraged by his example, are becoming bolder in proclaiming the Gospel message throughout the local area and beyond.
There are other passages in this chapter of Philippians that really make us think about how we can handle tough situations.
Paul says in verses 18 and 19 – “Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”
I must say that my usual first reaction to difficult life circumstances is not like this. How do we rejoice when life is challenging? But Paul gives the secret; it is the work of Jesus in our lives and the help of the Holy Spirit that will sustain us when the hurts and problems of this world assail us. We can have joy and peace – but only through the work of Christ. The prayers of other believers will be encouraging as well.
Another interesting verse is 27 where Paul states, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”
We never know who may be watching us. How we handle difficult situations is a reflection on Christ. If we follow Paul’s admonition here, we can be witnesses to the Gospel even in how we live our lives day to day. While I usually consider how I can share the Gospel through things like teaching and writing, this Scripture verse reminds me that the Gospel message is shared in many and varied fashions.
Is life challenging for you today in some way? Think about Paul and his example as you decide how to approach trials that come your way. Look for opportunities to reach out to others and get outside of yourself and your struggles. Often our hurts can be soothed as we become Christ’s instruments of mercy to others.
No, our lives will not be a perfect on this side of heaven. Hopefully the challenging times can be ones of growth and learning as we seek God and His plan for us.
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