Catch Me if You Can
When my youngest daughter was a toddler and just learning to talk, she often used the words “catch you” when we were at the park. What she actually meant was – Will you catch me? But she was repeating my words where I assured her that I would “catch you” when she came down the slide. She was reluctant to try things like slides, but her uncertainties were dismissed when she knew for sure that I would be there for her and that she was safe.
It is interesting how things changed when she knew that she had a safety net. Before I knew it, she was giggling as she enjoyed the playground equipment. She had total trust in me to be there for her when she needed it.
Jesus understands the faith that children so easily have. His words in the Gospel of Mark have significant meaning for us:
“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, He was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16 NIV)
Those with childlike faith trust in Jesus. This trust is linked to being totally open to what Jesus has to offer and being dependent on Jesus for whatever we need – most of all – salvation.
In my head I understand that Jesus is there to catch me, no matter what happens. I can go forward in life knowing I have this ever present safety net.
Just like my daughter implicitly trusted me to hold her safely, so we should be able to also trust that our loving Saviour will never drop us.

Theoretically I get it. Yet I don’t always live like it. How many times do I hesitate, fear, or stumble because I forget that Jesus is there to catch me? Frequently I live my life being so concerned over things that I shouldn’t be that I get stalled.
In reality, this is sinful behaviour – not trusting Jesus to do what He has promised. Our lives are in the hands of our loving Saviour – period, end of subject. He will not ever, ever drop us.
When I think back to holding my own children, I remember their trust in me to hold them firmly. They didn’t think about or try to analyze the situation. They believed that I would care for them.
The God who holds the entire universe in His hands, holds me and you. Even when we feel like our lives are out of control, messed up, or in confusion, He still holds on. We would do better to have childlike faith and trust. When we start analyzing things we are putting the responsibility for success upon ourselves, rather than where it belongs – with Jesus.
For me I know I need to ask forgiveness for my lack of trust as that is not what God wants for me. It’s also a big prayer item.
It is time to move forward in faith and stop doubting in His loving provision for us. No matter what each of us is facing today, Jesus is there. He won’t let us fall.
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