Hope and Encouragement

  • white clouds

    Getting Things in Focus

    The trees start their dance as the wind picks up speed.  Soon the rain joins the chorus and the active weather is upon us.   As we sit in our RV in a campground, my uncertain feelings escalate as I read the weather app on my phone – tornado warning! While praying, I look for something to distract me, but the puzzle book I grab does little to help.    My thoughts are all still over the place.  My mind teems with anxiety as I consider all the unpleasant possibilities.  The “what ifs” take hold.   I am akin to the tight rope walker who is told not to look…

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  • empty road near calm body of water

    You Have a Choice

    A year ago, this week, I faced a terrible diagnosis and an uncertain future. My world was filled with “why” questions that had no answers. My summer plans to enjoy some holidays and to prepare for my new job turned into days of medical appointments, surgery, and recovery. As I recall those difficult days, my heart hurts at all I had to endure. I remember my head being in turmoil. My thoughts were a muddle as I tried to make sense of my situation. All of a sudden, everything in my life was coloured by the impact of this disease. I was devastated and wondered how I was supposed to…

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  • green leafed trees

    Forget What is Behind

    Often, I read and take to heart Paul’s words in Philippians “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14 NIV) I am a goal-oriented person and this verse appeals to me.  I like the idea of working towards something. Of course, I know I cannot earn salvation – that is God’s free gift.  I do like the encouragement this verse brings to keep on going in the walk of faith – knowing that God has the “prize” awaiting me as I look heavenward. What I often don’t consider is the verse that comes prior to this…

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  • photo of a turtle swimming underwater

    Stepping Out on the Edge

    They go about their daily business.  Outsiders might call them unskilled labourers.  But doing what they do requires knowledge of the weather, of the sea, and of specific techniques.  In the societal hierarchy, they are on the lower side of the scale.  Yet they do their work with faithfulness and patience in order to provide for their families. These fishermen are going about their daily tasks when Jesus walks up to them.  Scripture doesn’t tell us if they had heard Jesus’ message prior to this day.  It is highly likely that they already knew something about His work and ministry as Jesus had been preaching in the area.  What may…

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  • panoramic photography of green field

    Finding Patience

    As I explore Scripture, some themes resonate with me at particular times.  A recent read of James 5 brought up the subject of patience. My husband and I have a standing joke about my patience…or lack of it.  He often reminds me that waiting for something is okay and that God has things under control.  I try, but seem to succeed at it more often than not.   For many years I considered myself a patient person.  I bided my time, hoping that better things would come along.  I invested my time, talents, and treasures, hoping that someday they would bear fruit.  I worked hard to be tolerant and uncomplaining,…

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  • brown field and blue sky

    What Do I Say?

    As I watch people in my life go through challenging circumstances, I want to reach out and offer comfort. Yet, what do I say? I don’t want to sound trite – “Everything’s going to be okay.” – when it really isn’t. When someone I love is in pain – whether physical or emotional – things are not necessarily going to resolve themselves in healing and freedom from the challenge. How do I encourage others in times like these? Often, when we don’t have the words, God does.  The Scripture that comes to mind is from Isaiah 41:“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for…

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  • selective focus photographed of green mountain

    Alive and Well

    Martin Luther said, “The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me…” There are many interesting word pictures in this quote.  We don’t usually think of something inanimate as a book as having feet.  Yet that is what makes the Bible the most unique book in the world.  Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, the Bible continues to be a book of action and vitality; its vibrant message spread around the world. What about the concept of the Bible running after me?  This speaks to the fact that it is God who is seeking…

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  • lighthouse during night

    Be Careful What You Lean On

    I love old things. I can spend hours in an antique store or a museum. As I walk around, I drink in the exquisite workmanship and unique designs as I ponder what life was like back for those who paved the way for where I am now. Many of these old pieces of furniture are made of solid wood, unlike much of what we find today. They appear solid and strong. Yet, as I walk through an old farmhouse one day, I lean on what I think is a sturdy table. My assessment proves wrong as both me and parts of table land on the floor.  As I pick myself…

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  • leafless tree on grass field

    Like a Tree

    It is one of those days when I let worry over something just control my day. The crazy thing is, I am concerned over something over which I have no control. None. Nothing. Yet I let this concern manipulate my day. It permeates my thoughts and even brings a few tears. I try to figure out the situation, analyzing it from every angle; but the answers remain the same. There is no immediate remedy to the situation and I can do little to change it. That truly bugs me. Yet, my gracious Lord knows when I need His gentle Word with its kick in the pants, so to speak. As…

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  • flowers in vase on chair


    Do you ever have times where things from the past just nag at you? It seems that some days, my past comes back to haunt me. I want to leave those bad feelings/experiences in their place – they are past and done – yet they seem to rise up and integrate themselves into my life in the present, far more than I would like. It is not just the big items that weasel themselves into my day-to-day thinking. Some days it seems like I can remember every little thing that has gone wrong in my life. The devil loves to parade a list of our wrongdoings past us. He wants…

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