Clock Watching
I never thought of myself as a clock watcher until January 1st of this year. On that day, a glitch caused the clock on my SUV to always be at 12:15 when I turn on the ignition. Nothing I can do can update the time and the manufacturer says it will be at least six months before there is a fix for the problem.
Every time I glance at the time on my dashboard, I am annoyed … and I look at it a lot. I’m not sure why time is such a high priority as I make my commute to work, but it is definitely on my mind. Time is a frame of reference around which we order our days and is needful, but do I really need to know the time continually as I drive?
There are certain things in life where keeping track of time is a necessity. For example, I must keep careful watch on time throughout my school day as we move from subject to subject and be ready for things like recess and physical education periods. If I lose track of time, my students miss out on important aspects of their school day.
Sure, time is important here, but is it really an asset to my life to be continually trying to be aware of the time?

Being over conscious of time is rarely helpful in the overall scheme of things. It breeds concern, irritation, frustration, and stress more often than not.
We are encouraged to use our time wisely and plan our days effectively. I sure am big on that. Yet, it frequently puts pressure on me as I over evaluate how I fill my day.
How can I take God’s gift of time and use it to His glory instead of to my own agenda or have it be a stressor?
The Psalmist reminds us:
“But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, You are my God. My times are in Your hands.” (Psalm 31:14-15a NIV)
The key word in the above verse is “trust”. God provides time. How much better our days can be when we allow our Heavenly Father to orchestrate our days and we trust Him to guide our paths? He didn’t make time to be an enemy but a framework on which to build our lives.
This week I decided to shut off my dash time display. I leave for work early enough that the time I take to drive is not a significant issue. Rather than be concerned about how much time I spend each day on the road to and from work, I fill my time with prayer and praise. I use the time asking God to show me how to best reach my students that day. I pray for my loved ones. I thank God for the many blessings that He provides.
When time seems to envelop you and you feel like you don’t know how you are going to manage, remember – your time is in God’s hands. Every minute of every day you are God’s beloved child. Trust that He watches the clock and holds all time – you don’t have to worry.
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