Conquering Obstacles
In times of difficulty the following Scripture verse is often tossed our way:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)
Okay, so God works things for my good. Then why do I feel so lousy? Why is my life so messed up? Why do I hurt so much?
The disconnect occurs when we think that God is going to make everything work out for us the way we want. That is not what this Scripture verse says.
What this verse does say is that God is working for our good. That means He knows what is best for us and provides it. He directs us to what is needful for us – and that is not always what we think is best for us.
God is working His purpose in us. When we love and trust Him then we can be assured that the trials of this life are not in vain. God is not seeking ways to make our life miserable. He is looking for ways to teach us and train us for a better life.

At the moment I am not in a zone to easily consider that any good can come out of what happened this past week. It’s ironic. I had been having an amazing week, with so many special moments in it. That came crashing down with one crippling moment that has my head spinning.
Unjust accusations are indeed that – unjust. If I listen to the Spirit’s nudging, I can see that. I can choose to grow through this experience or let the untrue and unkind words take hold in my heart. What does God want for me right now?
He reminds me that I am His beloved child. I am carried in the palm of His hand and nothing can take away the joy that I have in Jesus as Lord. Yes, there are unkind people in this world who lash out because of their own pain – but they are not going to win – Jesus already has!
So, I pray for wisdom, once again – that I might treat others with Christlike care, no matter what their treatment of me.
I know that God sees me. He hurts with me. Like with a wounded child, He wraps His loving arms around me.
Dear friend, perhaps you have some obstacles to conquer today. Trust them to our Heavenly Father. He will provide wisdom and direction if we are willing to listen. I know it may be challenging but God can turn whatever happens to our ultimate good.
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