Every Moment of Every Day
Life gets busy. Some days seem to go by in a blur of activity. I get to the end of the day and wonder what did I truly accomplish.
It is easy to get caught up in the things of this world. Family issues, job expectations, household upkeep, financial concerns, health habits – all intertwine to keep our minds on the go. Perhaps, like me, you find it hard to fit the spiritual in all that some days.
It’s not that I ignore God but I assume I can get to matters with Him at some future point. Sure, there are little blips of prayers going heavenward in a day, but not focused time spent with my Heavenly Father as much as I should.
In the early Church, there were many issues as they sought to get established and grow as believers. Paul, in writing to the Philippians, says this:
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13 NIV)
God is in the middle of all that is going on with us, in every moment of every day. The Holy Spirit gives us the energy and ability to do the tasks that God has for us.
As we grow in Christ, we are being molded by the work of the Holy Spirit in us so we are more attuned to what God has planned for us. Our job is to live out our faith according to God’s purpose; obedient to His will for our lives.

We have hope because God is working in our lives all the time. He draws us to Himself. This is made easier by our obedience to His commands. God shows us all we need to lead productive, holy lives.
Frequently, our prayers need to be requests to align our wills to that of God’s. Being obedient to His will on our own is usually a futile endeavour. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is there to give is the power and desire we need to do what God wants for us.
The challenge for myself, and for you as well, is to put God in each moment of each day. He wants to be a part of all of our lives, not just an afterthought when we have a few moments.
Bringing God into our day to day, deepens our relationship with Him and gives us a more fulfilling life.
Have you ever had a big project to do that looms on your to do list, encroaching on your thoughts as you progress throughout your week? I find that is often better to just get started on it and try to make some inroads. Somehow, once I am moving in the direction of the project, I am better able to continue with it. It is the getting going that is usually the difficulty.
Our Christian walk is no different. If we bring God’s perspective and desires for us into our plans for the day, it changes our outlook. Once we get going in the direction of God’s plan for us, it is easier to keep moving. The more we do what God wants, the more our desires take the direction God has for us.
God’s wonderful gift of salvation is not like a Christmas present that you open once and you are done. Salvation is an ongoing work in us. It stretches us to mold ourselves to the Father’s will and to live lives that are marked by spiritual growth and development.
My friend, I hope that you will open up your heart and mind to how God wants to be in each moment of your life – good and bad. He is there to give us hope as we journey through this life.
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