Fan the Flame
The embers flick about, tossed about by the breeze. The fire slowly dies out as the ashen logs deteriorate. Before long, only a shadow of the former fire remains.
Blow on the fire and it strengthens. What almost dies out comes back to life. With adequate fuel, the oxygen brings vibrancy back to the flames.
Our Christian walk is similar. In 2 Timothy 1:6 (NIV) the apostle Paul addresses Timothy, a young pastor:
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”
Timothy has a gift from God. What particular gift, we do not know. The important point that Paul makes is that Timothy is expected to use it in God’s service. He is encouraged to nourish the gift and help it develop with God’s assistance.
Our Heavenly Father has a specific purpose for each of us and He provides the skills, knowledge, and abilities we need to accomplish His tasks. There are many gifts He gives to His people – preaching, teaching, caring for the sick, hospitality, organization, to name a few. For each person, the gift looks different, as each of our own abilities are manifested in a variety of ways.
Paul uses the analogy of a fire to demonstrate to Timothy the importance of not just sitting on his God-given gift, but to also make use of it. Typically, a spiritual gift is not given in its full fruition. It takes time for our gifts to grow, mature, and flourish.
How does that happen? Only through use. Gifts left hidden, die out as the embers in a fire slowly disintegrate. Soon there is little left to remind us of the former glory of the gift. Whatever gift God has assigned us needs to be nurtured.

Many years ago, I would not have considered writing to be my gift. My writing to that point had consisted of journaling. What changed? A gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit encouraged me to submit an article to a Christian magazine. Soon it was more and more articles, Bible studies, and devotionals. Now I minister to God’s people through this blog.
I have, however, had periods of time when my writing gift has been pushed aside. Excuses become rampant and one week of not writing turns into two and then more. Those days feel empty as if a piece of me has been cut out and cast aside. That is not God’s intention.
My writing gift does not look the same as it did years ago. With God’s help, my gift has been fanned into flame – growing and developing with every piece I write. It is not a stagnant gift with a firm parameter. God opens up endless possibilities.
What needs fanning into flame in your life? Perhaps the Holy Spirit is nudging you to develop talents that you might think insignificant, but the He can use in service to our Lord. Think about it. Pray about it. Praise God for what He has done in your life and ask Him how you can grow more in your service to Him.
You might be surprised at the hidden talents you possess once you let the tiny embers be fanned into larger flame. Be open minded. Let God work in and through you. You will be amazed at what you can do with the Lord breathing life into the process.
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