green field

Fighting the Battle 

There are days when I wonder how such a small plant can create such a big problem.  My battle with chickweed is an ongoing challenge.  It is my nemesis – causing me considerable time and effort to eradicate. 

Chickweed is a difficult plant.  The roots are delicate and don’t pull up easily.  If you hoe chickweed, it can restart itself from the bits of the plant.  Even in areas where I have taken the time to dig it up and throw out the plants, I still battle the weed. 

This nasty little weed is causing me to lose production in certain parts of my garden.  I despair at times that I will ever get it under control.   

Life can be this way also.  There are areas of our lives that present us with challenges.  We try our own methods but often they fall flat.  We try band aid methods to fix things; but they really don’t solve the issue.  We do some repair in one area, only to have another difficulty pop up somewhere else.   

It is important to remember that to obtain victory (whether it’s over a weed or an issue in our lives) it doesn’t happen by accident.  Any person in a war type conflict knows that planning is key to gaining success.  There is no winning a battle by accident.  It takes careful thought to gain victory.   

The same is true in our lives.  Consider the following: 

We often approach the problems in our lives in a haphazard manner like me trying to hoe chickweed and expect success.  We forget that the root of all our difficulties lies in sin and the devil being at work.  With such a difficult adversary, this is not a battle we are going to win on our own with only human resources. 

If we were to go into a war zone without proper munitions and strategies, we would not do well.  It is the same in our Christian walk.  We need the right weapons and the right strategies. 

The Apostle Paul follows up the above verse by talking about the full armour of God.  We need the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation.  Without them, victory is elusive. 

Along with this armour we need an attitude of attack.  This requires us to seek God and trust Him as our Leader.  Being in His Word gives us strength and hope to face the battles of this life. 

My friend, I don’t know what challenges you have in your life today.  I encourage you to look to our Heavenly Father who has a plan for you.  He will help you wade through whatever battle comes your way.  He is the only true source of strength and success. 

We can complain about all that is wrong in our lives or we can do something about it – not of our own power but by surrendering our lives to God.  He has the plan.  He has the tools to use in battle.  Our victory is sure and certain when we trust in His salvation plan. 

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