Finding Patience
As I explore Scripture, some themes resonate with me at particular times. A recent read of James 5 brought up the subject of patience.
My husband and I have a standing joke about my patience…or lack of it. He often reminds me that waiting for something is okay and that God has things under control. I try, but seem to succeed at it more often than not.
For many years I considered myself a patient person. I bided my time, hoping that better things would come along. I invested my time, talents, and treasures, hoping that someday they would bear fruit. I worked hard to be tolerant and uncomplaining, thinking that was the best course of action. While being understanding is important, I often felt that my patient efforts were not appreciated.
Now I seem to have little patience. Maybe that has something to do with getting older. I see great needs and want to do something about them – now. I want things or circumstances in life and realize that there aren’t as many years to accomplish them so I push harder to make them happen. I know there is much work to do in God’s kingdom, and I want to get on it -immediately.

In the reading from James 5, the writer mentions patience 4 times:
“Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming.”
“See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.”
“You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.”
“Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.” (NIV verses 7-11)
The believers at this time in history experience some major trials and suffering. James tells them to hold fast to the faith, in amidst all these difficulties. These early Christians need great encouragement to live in adversity as they await the second coming of our Lord. They face injustice on many fronts and the concept of patience is a challenging one.
We too are waiting for that glorious day when our Saviour returns. When that day comes – patience will no longer be needed. Until then, though, there will be times of waiting: waiting for crops to mature, for special events to happen, and so on.
Sometimes patience is planting the seed and awaiting to see how God makes it grow. Just like a farmer faithfully plants seeds with anticipation of a harvest, we should be planting seeds of the Gospel and await the Holy Spirit’s working to bring the plants to fruition.
I appreciate the many Biblical examples of leading a patient life. When my impatience wants to take over, I find comfort in the fact that others before me have struggled with the same issue. Like them, all I can do is trust in my Heavenly Father to lead and guide me through life – in His time, not my own. We all have times when we feel like we cannot endure our circumstances any longer. Thankfully God is there to provide for us throughout all life’s difficulties and joys.
Will I still have challenges with patience? Most certainly. Thankfully I have the reminder of those like my husband who say – God is faithful. God most certainly puts some of this urgency in my spirit. I need it to go out and face the world and be His witness. Some of my impatience has value as I seek to find ways to share the Gospel, knowing that the time is short and our Lord’s return is imminent.
Patience is definitely a work in progress. How is God working in your life in this area?
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