Focusing on What Isn’t
It’s just so easy to do. Think about it – you get together with a group of friends and it turns into a gripe session. You get up in the morning thinking of all you have to do and you are focused on the whole ‘too much to do too little time’ thoughts. You start to think about what God would have you do with your life and you focus on all the negative aspects of particular choices. You experience grief or loss and all you can think about is what is missing in your life.
At one time in my life my career was not where I wanted it. A job that should have turned into a permanent arrangement didn’t. I was angry and hurt. I remember being so enwrapped in the situation. I could not get if off my mind and it wreaked havoc with my life and emotions. It seemed that all around me were people with fulfilling stable careers. Why not me?
I was in a deep hole that the devil delighted in keeping me in. I had been in a similar place when my first pregnancy resulted in miscarriage. Everywhere I looked, it seemed, were pregnant women or those with babies. Why wasn’t it me?
Recently, loved ones in my life have experienced major grief and loss and me alongside them. How do we get beyond the “all that life isn’t” to pave a road to healing? How do we keep from getting mired in all that could have been and instead focus on the life God has for us now?
There is no way forward outside of God’s plan for us. I know that statement may cause you some consternation. I know there are questions. Why did I lose my baby? Why was my mother taken home? And so on…

The fact is, we cannot know the whole picture the way God does. We will never truly understand all the facets of the events in our lives and the intricate way they affect one another. God sees all the individual pieces and weaves them together in a beautiful tapestry that is our lives.
On the days when I seem to be caught in the “what isn’t” aspects of life, I find it helpful to focus on Scripture passages such as this one:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness. I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.” (Jeremiah 31: 3-4 NIV)
Nothing that happens to us is outside of God’s love. His love surrounds us no matter how bad the day. I know that is hard to think about when something life isn’t is causing us to grieve.
It does help to focus on what life is – with all its beauty and hope. God gives us a life to live abundantly. He promises to be there – always.
“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 28:13 NIV)
As you face loss, grief, upset, discouragement, and so on, God promises to be there if you seek Him.
No matter what you are facing today, I pray you will take some time to consider all the blessings that are in your life. No, it won’t take all the pain away; but it will lead you on the road to restoration and healing.
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