Following the Pattern
It is rare these days to buy furniture entirely ready-made. How often do we see a lovely item in the store, only to discover when we go to purchase one that it comes in a box with numerous pieces and must be assembled?
Wading through the assembly instructions can be daunting. Trying to find the correct parts and the corresponding screws is time consuming and frequently frustrating.
The temptation is to just get the job done and put it together the way we think is best. That can lead to disaster though, as we end up with spare parts or things not working right.
Each of these projects does come with an instruction manual. If we use it and systematically put together our item, the end product should be like the one we saw in the store. The manual walks us through the process, step by step, until we gain the desired result.
At times, life can feel like we do when we open a box filled with a multitude of little parts. How are we going to put things together? How do we sort through all the choices and come up with a decent end product?

Thankfully we do have a pattern to follow. God’s Word is there to guide us through all life’s circumstances. We are given all we need to direct our lives.
The Apostle Paul speaks of this strong foundation and direction when writing to a young preacher Timothy:
“Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:13 ESV)
Scripture provides us with direction that keeps us from straying from the truth. God’s Word provides guidelines on how to live in this world. When we feel lost or out of sync, the Bible brings light and hope to whatever situation we are facing.
We can go through life without direction – but where does that get us? Lost? Frustrated? Hopeless?
Hold onto God’s Word. Following its pattern keeps us from straying from the truth. It is a sure foundation.
Now, you might be saying – sometimes when I read the Bible it feels like I am reading one of those furniture instruction manuals. There are way too many details that I don’t understand. I can’t perceive how it all comes together.
Unlike the struggles we face putting together an object with many pieces and instructions, God’s Word comes with the Holy Spirit to guide us and enlighten us.
My mother is a gifted seamstress. At a young age, circumstances required her to sew for her entire family. In those days, with few ready-made patterns available, my mother took apart old clothes and extrapolated from that to make new ones. She learned how to sew for two reasons, she had the support of an older half-sister, and she persevered and kept trying and trying until she understood.
We need the same philosophy when looking to follow the pattern of Scripture. We need the guidance of those who have studied God’s Word. We also need the determination to keep on reading and studying the Bible and be open to the Holy Spirit leading us through it.
My mom did not learn to sew in a period of days. It was years of exposure and experience as well as a willingness to learn that helped her. The same is true for us in our Christian walk. It is not something we will assemble in a day or even a week or a year. Understanding God’s Holy Word and applying it to our lives is a lifelong journey – but one that must be tackled with tenacity to truly bear fruit in our lives.
Follow the pattern God has laid out for us. It is sound teaching that will take us where we need to go – no matter where life takes us.
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