Forget What is Behind
Often, I read and take to heart Paul’s words in Philippians “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14 NIV)
I am a goal-oriented person and this verse appeals to me. I like the idea of working towards something. Of course, I know I cannot earn salvation – that is God’s free gift. I do like the encouragement this verse brings to keep on going in the walk of faith – knowing that God has the “prize” awaiting me as I look heavenward.
What I often don’t consider is the verse that comes prior to this one – “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” (verse 13)
Forgetting what is behind – boy do I have trouble with that one. My Bible notes on this verse speak of us not losing our memory of our sinful past but of leaving it behind as done with and settled. Why is it so hard to get my head around the idea that those sins, for which I have asked forgiveness, are done, gone, past – as far as God is concerned?
My difficulty lies partly in the fact that Satan loves to remind me of those old sins in his efforts to make me feel unworthy, ashamed, and troubled. His prime effort is to mess up my life in any way possible. Having me dwell on past difficulties is one means in his plan of attack. He would like me to focus on my failures and dwell on all the times I haven’t measured up.

Thankfully God sees me differently and I need to remember that fact. I cannot put my sins behind me on my own…I need God’s assistance. He can help me let go of the past and direct my focus to the person He wants me to become.
I can second guess lots of my past decisions and actions. Have you ever gone over and over a conversation you had with someone that didn’t turn out well – rethinking what you could have said? I have done that one, a lot. Sometimes I berate myself thinking – where was my head when I made that particular decision?
Leaving the past behind makes a huge difference in today. Focusing on the past drains energy I need to be successful and productive now.
Time is precious and wasting it on “what ifs” is pointless. Jesus tells us in Luke that no one who looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.
I need to remember that I am a forgiven sinner – God wipes my slate clean thanks to the blood of Jesus. What is past is done. God remembers my sin no more. Because of my hope in Christ, I can move forward and live a full life in Him. My focus needs to be on my relationship with my Saviour right now – to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
Dwelling on the past is a joy stealer and a hope drainer. Leave all those past hurts and disappointments with our loving Heavenly Father who can bear them all. He doesn’t want us to carry all that weight. Yes, we have messed up as we are sinful human beings. But the past does not have to define us. With God’s help, we can learn from the past, grow, and move forward into a better, richer life.
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