Getting Things in Focus
The trees start their dance as the wind picks up speed. Soon the rain joins the chorus and the active weather is upon us.
As we sit in our RV in a campground, my uncertain feelings escalate as I read the weather app on my phone – tornado warning!
While praying, I look for something to distract me, but the puzzle book I grab does little to help.
My thoughts are all still over the place. My mind teems with anxiety as I consider all the unpleasant possibilities. The “what ifs” take hold.
I am akin to the tight rope walker who is told not to look down but persists and does it anyway – not a healthy choice.
Fear can overtake us when we take our minds off the goal.
In the Old Testament, King Solomon had these words for his son:
“Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” (Proverbs 4:25-27)
Let’s face it, life gets messed up when we let our eyes wander to all the possibilities that exist in all the side roads that life throws our way. Our best course of action is to stay focused on the only One who can direct us to safety.
Yet, I know I persistently want to let my focus waver. I know the goal of eternal life with Jesus in heaven is there. It seems that, quite frequently, I am determined to take all kinds of detours and side trips to take me there.

Like a runner who must keep to the program to train for the Olympics, we must also be vigilant in how we prepare to run the race of life. Solomon is correct in saying that we need to keep focused forward.
It’s not just the forward looking that is important. Solomon also admonishes us to choose firm footing – nothing soft or uneven.
If you have ever been on a hike on a rough trail, you get the gist of what Solomon is talking about. All it takes is losing your concentration for a moment and you can trip over a rough spot. What starts out as a lovely walk can turn into disaster with the wrong focus.
Life can be like that also. We go along the path, following Christ, and something distracts us. We just take a small step outside our path, but sure enough we get stuck in the mud of poor choices or distractions.
Where is life’s path taking you today? Is it a challenge to keep facing forward, mind on task? What distracts you on your journey?
The Israelites under Moses’ care had the same challenges we do today in keeping our focus. God’s message to them (and to us) is this:
“So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or the left. Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land the you will possess.” (Deuteronomy 5:32-33)
These words bring us immense hope for our life journey. Focusing on what God wants for us will bring us a better life.
The devil wants to tempt us from following Jesus and having everlasting life in heaven. He is an expert at making all those detours off the path look tempting and plausible.
How do we stay focused on what God wants for us? Being in His Word is essential. That is our guide book. Taking time to be still and listen to what the Lord is saying to us is also important. Prayer makes a difference.
Take time today to prayerfully consider what path the Lord wants you to follow – and then do it. Keep your focus on Him and He will direct your paths.
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