Giving What Matters
Being around children I see lots of interesting behaviours. It’s always interesting to watch how some children share.
Some will freely give of what they have to others. It seems to come to them as easily as breathing. Others hold what they have close to themselves and often if they do give something to others it is their cast offs. What really matters to them they keep and only give what they find less appealing.
I have found myself in the latter category on occasion. Growing up with very little monetary wise has sometimes made me cautious and protective about what I have. I guess I have had moments where I am concerned that I won’t have what I need later if I share the little I have. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to help others, it’s the uncertainty of the future that provokes my thoughts and actions. Not the best mindset to have.
Jesus speaks very clearly about the concept of giving in the Gospel of Mark:
“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling His disciples to Him, Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.’” (Mark 12: 41-44 NIV)
Jesus praises the widow’s meager offering. She wasn’t thinking about herself. Instead, she trusts God to provide for her as she gives Him all she has. That is a significant attitude difference from those who just skimmed the top of their wealth to give a bit to the work of the Lord.
The widow’s gift is both generous and sacrificial. She was not required to give both coins. Where she was putting her offering was not the temple tax, but a place for a freewill offering. Widows in this time period often lived in poverty if they had no close relative to care for them. There was no social assistance to rely upon.
We do not know how this widow obtained these two precious coins. What we do know is they are all she has and she wants them used for the Lord’s work.

Jesus is looking at motivation here. Where a person’s heart is indicates the type of giving being done. Jesus is also indicating that giving to show off is not okay. Our gifts to the Lord are between Him and us.
There are many ways to give, not just financially. The gift of our time and energy is extremely important and may have a considerable effect on those around us.
As we head into the “relaxing” summer months, I pray dear friend that you will prayerfully consider what giving truly matters. It is different for all of us as God has put us each into unique circumstances.
Take a look around and see what windows of opportunity that God is providing. Be receptive to His leading. Don’t let the concerns of this life stop you from giving of yourself, your time, and your treasures as God would have you do.
Giving is a wonderful feeling. It is definitely something to be promoted and encouraged. It is a strong part of a healthy relationship with our Heavenly Father and is something to be embraced.
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