God Sees Us
Commotion abounds as the area around the temple begins to fill up with worshippers. People from all walks of life are here. It is a busy, active place.
Jesus sits watching the people come and go. He comments on those with obvious wealth, making their grand, substantial donations to the temple treasury with great flourish. They love being noticed. They feel important by giving in large amounts.
Yet Jesus notices someone even more significant. She’s a widow of meager means. She also approaches the place to deposit her offering. Two small mites are all that she gives.
Jesus makes a point of talking to his disciples and us about what is truly going on here.

For those of great means, their approach is different. In their extensive wealth, their gifts are merely a tiny fraction of what they have. They don’t appear as interested in the ministry of God’s House as they do in their personal image.
Contrast that with the poor widow. She has little to live on to call her own. She must rely on others for financial support quite often. Widows are often in rough situations financially in these days. But she has a different mindset than the other givers this day. She believes in the work of the Lord – so much so that she gives the last two mites she has. Her commitment to her Heavenly Father is immense and not self-serving in the least.
Jesus sees this woman and her heart of faith. He knows who she really is. He knows her hurt and despair as she carries on without her husband. Jesus knows that she has immense faith in God’s provision by giving her last bit of money to His work.
Thankfully, Jesus sees us too! There is no mask we can wear to cover up our transgressions, our frailties, our insecurities, etc. Jesus knows us inside and out and loves us still. He sees our hearts and knows our intentions and limitations. He calls us to respond to Him by reaching out to others in love.
Jesus sees you and me. There is nowhere we can be that is out of His reach. No matter what is going on in our lives, He knows. He loves us through the tough times and rejoices in our celebrations. Jesus loves us so much that He took our sins upon Himself so that we might be free of them forever.
May Jesus see in you a heart of faith like that of the widow and her mite. Allow Him to shine His holy light into our hearts and help you grow and be nurtured in faith.
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