He Understands
A baby is born…tiny, helpless, needy. The little one depends on others for all aspects of life – nourishment, shelter, clothing, social/emotional care, etc.
It boggles my mind how our loving Saviour walked this path to reach out to us. Think of it – Jesus, almighty God – became an infant. He could have come to earth in any form but God sent Him as a baby. While many expected the Messiah to appear as some great leader, Jesus arrived, as we all do, as a child.
That’s part of what makes Jesus such an incredible Saviour. He has experienced everything we do. He was the child, nurtured by his parents. He was the boy, playing with others and helping out his family at home. He was the teenager, growing and learning. He was the adult, working for a living.
Jesus understands everything we are going through because He has been there, done that. He knows what it is like to be raised in a family with siblings. He knows the ups and downs of the working life and trying to provide for the needs of His family. He had his ups and downs with friend relationships. He has seen every hurt and every joy in the human spectrum of life. Jesus gets it.
More than that, Jesus is accessible. We can call on Him at any time, in any circumstance. He promises to listen and to answer. He totally understands our hurts and frustrations and he rejoices with us in the joys of life.
As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour this season, remember that His humble birth is a testament to the kind of God He is. Nothing is too small for His attention. Each of us matters to Him. After all, He also endured death for our sakes and His sacrifice gives us the greatest gift of all – eternal life in heaven with Him if we just believe that He died and rose for our sins.
Rejoice in our Saviour who loves you beyond measure. Embrace the greatest gift we receive this Christmas.

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