black mountains under the stars at nighttime

In the Zone

I sit at my desk, cheerily answering the phone and attending to the myriads of duties that go along with my receptionist job in a bustling youth ministry organization.  The position has a few challenges, but for the most part, I function with ease.  I definitely am in a safe, secure comfort zone.  After having left a difficult job prior to this one, I’m not looking for anything to ruffle my feathers.  I am happy and content to go about my work. 

Within a year after taking on this job one of the directors quit and the executives were on the hunt for a replacement.  The job requires strong communication skills and making cold calls for ministry contacts.  I certainly don’t think that is in my skill set.  Along with the other staff I pray that God will send the person who is right for the job.  What I didn’t think would happen is that God does answer the prayer… with me. 

I feel the Holy Spirit urge me to give the position a try.  I, in turn, find a huge number of excuses as to why I am inadequate for such a leadership position.  I prefer to stay in my comfort zone and this job is not there.  But, as if God is standing there speaking to me, I feel Him saying that if I am approached for the job that I should say yes. 

Going to work the next morning I am puzzled as to why God would want me working in an area that doesn’t seem to fit my skill set.  I pretty much assure myself that I will never be a candidate for such a position when my bosses call me into the main office.  After enumerating what they consider to be my strong talents for the job – they offer me the position.  I want to say no…I try to say no…but I can’t forget the Spirit’s urging me to say yes.  And so, I do, believing that if God calls me to this position that He will provide a way for me to handle it. 

The team director position pushes me out of my normal routine into a whole new pattern of behaviour.  I certainly have many days of self-doubt and fear of failure.  But God doesn’t take us out of our comfort zone because we are marvellous – He takes us out of it because He is an awesome God who helps us grow and meet the challenges set before us. 

I ended up thriving in this position and developing skills of leadership and administration that I never thought possible.  After taking on this new challenge, I find subsequent challenges to be more easy to take on, knowing that God will provide me with what I need if He wants me there. 

It does take courage to leave our comfort zone.  I will admit to giving myself pep talks and visualizing my success as some of the coping strategies.  But the rewards are great as I stretch myself and learn new things about myself. Both my creativity and productivity increase.  I learn a number of management and communication skills. 

I could have stayed in the receptionist position but I wouldn’t have grown any.  Unless we are willing to step out of the zone and challenge ourselves, we stay stagnant.  Think of the early disciples.  They were totally out of their comfort zone when Jesus sent them out to share the Gospel message.  But the Holy Spirit working through them brought about huge transformations in them and the impact they made on human history is immense. 

Satan would like us to believe that we don’t have what it takes to leave our comfortable, safe area.  He is happy when we are complacent and treading water in a neutral zone.  But God calls us to action.  The need is great to share the Gospel.  There are people out there who can mentor us and help us grown into all that God made us to be.  Studying Scripture brings new insights daily.  Getting out there with new people and new experiences brings a great sense of satisfaction and immense opportunities for ministry. 

At times I still retreat to my comfort zone.  Even with past successes in my arsenal I have days when the fear of failure is greater than it should be.  Thankfully God continues to nudge me to bigger and better things.  Sometimes it is a stretch that I wonder if I can do – but with His help all is possible. 

How can you move out of your comfort zone today?  God doesn’t expect big steps all the time – taking small steps are a great way to gain confidence and test the waters.  You may be surprised at what you are capable of when you challenge yourself.  Why not give it a try? 

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