It’s Good to Remember
Today has been a day of much thoughtfulness. As much as I would like not to, memories invade my thinking processes and emotional well-being. Why do these thoughts wheedle their way into my day? Can I not just put them aside and move forward?
Two years ago, today, I faced cancer surgery. That was definitely high on the list of hard days in my life. While the memories dim somewhat, the pain of that diagnosis still makes me shudder.
I really can take these memories two ways. I can dwell on the “why me” aspect. That leads me down a path of no good. My other option is to remember what God did in my life through the whole cancer experience. This choice gives me hope for the future.

The writer of Psalm 77 is making some reflections during a stressful time. As he considers all that is going on he shares these words:
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.” (Psalm 77:11-14 NIV)
This is definitely the strategy to follow when faced with adversity. Scripture is filled with examples of God’s magnificent works. Plus, if we take a close look at our lives, we can definitely see examples of where God has intervened for good on our behalf.
This is the kind of remembering we need to do in the rough spots. Rather than dwelling on what is not pleasant or successful or good, we can instead focus on our amazing God who has a superb track record of caring for His people; often in miraculous ways.
As I reflect back on these last two years I can remember hope, peace, and joy – all gifts of God through troubled times. God is incredible. His power is evident throughout His creation. He gives us grace and mercy to make it through those tough spots.
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