Just a Little Bit More
As the early morning sun advances in the sky, you will frequently find me in my berry patch these days. I find peace and contentment in the abundant provision God provides. My time picking is often a time of contemplation and of prayer. For me, while it is work, it is restorative.
I do have a very bad habit when I am berry picking. No, it is not stuffing my face full of the picking proceeds. As I grab for a handful of berries, I will frequently have some in my hand and reach in to grab just one more before I pull my hand out of the bush and put the berries in the bucket. What happens though, is that in reaching for the extra elusive berry, I often drop some of the handful of berries I already have and thereby lose instead of gain by going after the extra berries.

Life is frequently like that. We have things such as family, friends, possessions, activities – but we reach out and try to get just that one more thing. Often in doing so, we lose out on what we already have.
For me personally, this can take a variety of forms. For example, I am volunteering on some committees but add on just one more because I think it is so appealing. What that leads to is over taxation and I don’t do any of the jobs as well. Or it can be going after things. I purchase a new something or other thinking that it will be just the thing to make life better when it actually makes it more convoluted.
The worst is when we go chasing after other things in terms of our faith lives. Rather than sticking with sound Biblical truths, we go looking for other sources to bring us comfort, hope, and peace.
Scripture is very specific on this point:
“Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” (John 14:6 ESV)
While our inclination might be to go seeking for other solutions to life’s problems, there truly is only one – Jesus. It is fruitless for us to be searching for answers in any other place. He is the way to eternal life and there is no other.
Many people today are unsettled and wondering how to improve their lives and find purpose. Rather than grasping for those elusive ideas, our time would be much better spent in God’s Word and getting our information from the most reliable source.
In these days when the media and our world want to lead us down all kinds of paths it is important for us to stay focused on Christ. We don’t need to reach out for anything else. Jesus is the only door to hope, peace, and eternal life.
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