Just Too Much Going On
Some weeks are just more hectic than others. I have had times in my life with extensive to do lists, but this week seems to surpass them all.
I would love to say that I am handling it well and that I am trusting God to get me through whatever happens. That’s not really what’s going on.
Some days I am keeping my cool, but more often than not, small things set off a string of emotions and sometimes even tears result.
As I take some moments to write out my thoughts and feelings (a healing thing for me) I ponder what will turn things around for me right now. I don’t like these overwhelmed feelings. I dislike being so emotional and easily upset.
The answer is very simple really. Lay all of my concerns, frustrations, and obligations at the feet of the cross. Now you may find that answer somewhat trite – after all, the work doesn’t get done by putting it aside.
But think about it for a moment. Leaving all our “to do” list with Christ takes a huge burden off of us. Firstly, when we share our hurts and problems, He is there to console us. He also will help us prioritize and make wiser choices if we seek His guidance.

We all have moments in our lives when the obligations we face seem insurmountable. What can we do with that?
- Prayerfully consider all that we have going on in our lives. What are some things that are “extras” that could be taken off our plates?
- Be honest about what really matters. Think about what is motivating us to put certain things on our list of how we need to spend our time.
- Perhaps there are to do items that could be saved for a later date (not procrastinating, but giving them devoted time at another time), especially big projects such as cleaning out the garage or a craft project.
- Choose to do things that bring us joy. For example, spending times with loved ones might be more what we need right now than finishing a project of some kind.
- Most importantly, when things get hectic, pray more, not less. Find ways to embrace God’s Word such as with short devotionals or listening to the Word while driving or doing other tasks. Share your day with Him and ask for guidance to make wise time choices.
Remember the story of Mary and Martha? Martha was all about the to do lists and it stressed her out. She was running around trying to deal with company rather than following Mary’s lead and sitting at the feet of Jesus.
My friend, take some time today to set aside your cares and focus on our loving Saviour. He will not disappoint.
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