Keep Your Eyes on the White Line
It had been an exhausting commute going to work. Poor weather conditions compounded by a host of oncoming traffic who decided that dimming their lights was not in their game plan left me tired and frustrated.
I do not like driving in the dark and having to commute each day before sunrise is not my idea of a good time. On this particularly frustrating day I had a talk with a former police officer. He mentioned that in his training they were taught in high-speed chases to keep their eyes on the white line. This focus is critical in their safety.
Where we keep our focus is crucial in our Christian walk as well. Where is your white line? Is it the expectations of others? Is it keeping up with what others have and do? Perhaps, it is your career goals or family priorities? Or are you just thinking of surviving today with no thought for what might come tomorrow?
The truth is, unless our guiding line is Christ, we are in for trouble. Life gets in a muddle when we lose that focus.
The Old Testament writer in Proverbs explains it this way:
“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” (Prov. 4:25-27 ESV)

God asks us to keep our eyes on the things that truly matter. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the cares of this world. But that is not God’s desire for us.
How do we know where God’s white line is? Scripture is our guide. When we are lost and don’t know which to turn, God’s Word provides the answers. These timeless words show us the way to hope, joy, and peace here on this earth and into eternity – through Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
When life gets challenging – which is does most days – look to God for guidance. Satan will be there trying to knock you off the proper path, but keep steady in the way the Lord has outlined for you.
The world has many enticing and distracting paths it would like us to follow. Prayerfully consider which ones the Lord believes are best for you.
Don’t lose heart. The Lord’s ways are the best ways. We have safety in His everlasting arms.
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