Leaving a Legacy
Yesterday was a joyous day as we celebrated a family birthday. As I watched my children and grandchildren playing, I chuckled at their antics. It warmed my heart to see their interactions and enjoyment of each other.
As I look at the next two generations, I wonder what kind of legacy I am leaving them. What is it that I need to pass on to them as the best inheritance? How can I lead my life that will be an example to them and encourage them in their own life journeys? How can I be God’s light in their lives and show them the hope I have in Christ?
One book I read on the subject is called Living Forward. The premise of the book is about how to stop drifting, design a life plan, and chart a plan that will help you achieve this plan. The book appeals to me as I consider how I want to make the best use of this time in my life and encourage the generations to come.
Part of the Living Forward concept is designing your legacy. Here’s some excellent thoughts from the book (p. 61):
“Our legacy comprises the spiritual, intellectual, relational, vocational, and social capital we pass on. It’s the sum total of the beliefs you embrace, the values you live by, the love you express, and the service you render to others. It’s the you-shaped stamp you leave when you go. Truth is, everyone is in the process of creating – and leaving – a legacy. The question is not ‘Will you leave a legacy?’ but ‘What kind of legacy will you leave?’ The sooner you come to grips with this reality, the sooner you can start creating it. Like it or not, your life now shapes your legacy then. You have an impact on everyone around you. You will influence the course of other people’s lives for good or for bad. In other words, your life matters. You are here for reason. Your job is to determine why.”
An exercise in the book asks us to write our own eulogy if it was being given today. It really gets a person thinking – what would people be saying about my life as it stands now? It has made me realize that there is much I can do to change the legacy I leave. Things that instantly come to me – improving relationships with my loved ones, using my time for things of eternal benefit, sharing my faith at every opportunity, growing deeper in God’s Word.

What kinds of legacies do I leave today? I would hope that my family would know how much I love and cherish them. I want them to know that God is faithful and I have seen that in my life, over and over again. I hope they would see how God has given me the strength to face numerous challenges in my life and that I am a better person for it.
Yet there are other things in my life that I hope will not be part of my legacy and I wonder how to adjust all that. Work sometimes has taken way too much priority or caused too much anxiety. Things have gone sideways in life sometimes and I haven’t always handled it well. Things like that.
The important thing is that I do have a lot of control over how my legacy is shaped. I can choose to take the time to build stronger relationships with significant people in my life. I can decide to take on projects that encourage and uplift others rather than devote time to meaningless tasks. I can take care of my physical well-being to have the energy to spend more time with my family. I can take time in God’s Word to grow and learn and then share that with others. The list really is limitless.
Think about it – what kind of legacy are you leaving? What steps could you take to change it? God has blessed us with His love and mercy. How does that impact who you are and the relationships and legacy you have?
The start of building a legacy is to realize who we are as God’s children. It is having hope in Christ’s saving redemption for us. It is knowing from whom to gain support.
As you think about the impact your life has on others, I hope you will first reflect on what God has done for you and through you. Ask Him to offer you the guidance you need to lead a meaningful life that will influence others in the faith.
Our ultimate legacy is to let those that follow us know the significant impact our faith has had on our lives and how it offers hope to all.
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