Living a Life of Service
For as long as I can remember, the love of Christ has been a part of my life. An outpouring from that love has been my desire to be of service to my Lord. I just cannot imagine a life without reaching out to others with care and concern and sharing the Gospel message of hope and peace.
Throughout Scripture the admonition is given to serve the Lord with all our hearts. Christian service is meant to be done with enthusiasm not as a dreary expectation. How often, though, is my service based on what other people expect of me. I drag my feet and complain about all these things I have to do. This usually occurs when I take on things that are beyond my abilities and interests and only done to please someone else.
Our service is not meant to please anyone but God. He gives each of us specific gifts and abilities and He has a plan for us to use them. All God asks of us is to serve faithfully. Not perfectly. Not for glory or personal or gain. Not in areas where He hasn’t called us to. God does ask for obedience and complete dedication. He asks us to keep our hearts, minds, and souls focused on Him and to follow His leading.
More than once the Bible says that time is precious and that there is much that needs to be done. Scripture also says that we give ourselves fully to God’s work. Christian service should be following the Holy Spirit’s guidance to make use of the opportunities He opens up for us. It’s putting ourselves at God’s disposal – ready to be used wherever He has need of us. Scripture reminds us:
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” *(Galatians 6:9-10 ESV)
God provides many opportunities for service if we are open to His leading. It starts with prayerful consideration of where God wants us as well as opening our eyes to the needs around us.

While I have a heart for service, I mess up on more than one occasion. I get over zealous and go beyond what God wants me to do in a particular area. I take on too many things and become overwhelmed with all that I have to do. I jump into things without praying about them first and end up going in a direction that is not God pleasing.
Thankfully, God forgives me and continues to minister to my heart and spirit. As I seek His guidance, He opens up windows and doors of opportunity – many of which I never envisioned possible. I mean – who would have thought that a girl who could never come up with an idea for writing in creative writing class in school would someday minister to thousands with her writing ability? God most certainly stretches us and helps us to grow and flourish and He uses the abilities He gives us in places we don’t expect.
How is God specifically preparing you for service in His kingdom today? How has God been working in your life to nurture you and develop skills and abilities that can be used in His service? Prayerfully think about where God needs you today.
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