Living in Grace
Do you ever have those moments when the list of all those things undone or unsaid comes hurtling at you full force? Or maybe you are being tormented by things you did do or say that you really wish you hadn’t.
That’s been the state of my week. As the school year winds down my mind whirrs with all the things that I wish I had done for my students. My heart is also heavy with the knowledge that my job has taken away time from my family and all I wanted to do with them.
Then there’s the things that have come out of my mouth this week. I rarely raise my voice in the classroom but this week my frustrations just seem to pop out with words to my students that are not the best.
Let’s face it. Life is full of moments where sin takes hold – with things we have committed or omitted.

It’s easy to berate ourselves for not living as we think we should or how we think God wants us to live.
Thankfully, God has a solution to our sinful living – Jesus! Thanks to Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have hope because we have forgiveness of sins. It doesn’t matter what size or degree of sin; God forgives us unless we deny Him.
A favourite Scripture verse of mine is:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. “ (Ephesians 2:8 NIV)
This antidote to our sinful life is an amazing gift – a gift bought with an incredible price.
We get to live in God’s grace. That doesn’t mean we should barrel ahead full force and do whatever wrong we want. It means that God is there to forgive us and help us get back on track when we stumble.
It gives us hope to continue to know that our bad days are not what is going to define us. All that matters is that we are covered in the robe of righteousness that Christ provides.
My friend, take hold of the grace God provides. It is life changing.
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