Looking Up, Looking Forward
As my family comes out on the other side of some strenuous months it is nice to finally feel like I can breathe. With the many things that have happened I have been in a space that I haven’t been in for a very long time.
I realize that I have been seeing myself as a person in trauma. While that was true, it is not now. Yet I find myself slipping into that thinking more than I would like.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to give us perspective. I went for a haircut a few days ago and my hairdresser takes a real interest in me and in my family. Of course, she was inquiring how everyone was and if all were getting back to normal. As I recapped the events of recent weeks, I began to feel sad at the overwhelming events and feelings with which I had been dealing. I think she sensed my gloomy mood because she reminded me of how wonderful today was with so much good news it.
That is so very true. I have much to rejoice about with family returned to health and things coming together for my own well-being. I had been so focused on the events of the past that I have been finding it difficult to move forward into the brightness of now.

It is easy for us to get that way – seeing ourselves with what is negative or wrong in life. That is not the way God sees it all.
His Word tells us:
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV)
As we walk this road of life, we have a guide and mentor who never gets tired of helping us. Even when we feel like what we have to face will consume us, we have God’s promise that won’t happen.
There is so much promise in this Scripture verse. Each morning, we can start fresh, knowing with assurance that God is steadfast.
When we truly trust God’s faithfulness, we can look upward to Him for assistance and we can look forward to the life that lies ahead.
For me personally right now, I need to take time to focus on the positive. It is time to move forward to new horizons. Perhaps it is time for you to do the same.
We can go ahead in faith. Will life always be smooth? No, most certainly not. But our lives will not change if we dwell on all that is wrong in them. I pray that we all can take time to take stock of what is going well and rejoice in those precious moments of positivity.
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