cairn stones and body of water in distance

Make Time 

Would you like to have more energy?  Would you like to improve your overall well-being?  Would you like to prevent burnout and increase your productivity?  Would you like to reduce your levels of stress and anxiety? 

I’m sure the answer is yes!   

So how do we go about it?  Personally, more energy would be a blessing these days with my busy classroom.  Each day I am run off my feet with little chance to recharge.  I am definitely open to ideas to make my situation better and I am sure you are as well. 

The solution is a relatively simple one – make time for what you love.   

I know, that sounds both ridiculously simple and overwhelmingly hard.  As we go about our busy lives, the thought of making time for anything often seems impossible. 

I have said many times lately that such and such a task/activity/etc. would have to wait for break time or retirement.  I have put off doing something I enjoy and instead fill my time with more work and obligations.   

Yet, when I look at all the advantages of making time for what I love, I realize that putting off what means the most to me is not a good idea. 

God has created us each unique, with our own purpose and abilities.  He also gave us the interests we have and He supports us as we try to include them in our lives.  My desire to write or my interest in music are God given gifts.  Each of us has areas that bring us joy and help us to shine. 

Doing what we love has so many health benefits – physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Taking time to embrace what brings us joy gets the “feel good” hormones going and promotes a better sense of well-being.  It gives us purpose and hope. 

When we take time for meaningful activities or relationships, it gives us a more fulfilled and balanced life – a key to a better quality of life. 

As I think about the crazy pace I have been keeping since school started, I realize that I cannot maintain it and have a vibrant, happy life.  Changes do have to be made. 

Another downfall of not taking time for what matters most is that our spiritual lives suffer as well.  It is easy to let our study of Scripture or being in worship slide when life gets hectic.  We may reason with ourselves that we will get to it eventually but we end up being like a starving orphan when we don’t nourish our spirits with God’s Word. 

Have you put aside things that matter to you in favour of the many obligations that life throws our way?  I challenge you to take time to rest and restore with our Saviour.  Trust Him to care for your needs.  Make time for what matters most and you will find yourself better able to cope with the many to dos that end up on your list. 

Jesus gives us some clear direction: 

As we get back into the swing of things with a busy fall season, I pray that we may be able to seek God first – trusting that He will help us with all the rest.  We can cope better with stressful situations when we take time to do what matters to us most. 

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