Miracles From Heaven
Sometimes something comes across your path that just inspires you. God is like that. He reaches out to us in so many ways, touching our hearts with His message of love and hope.
Recently I watched the movie Miracles from Heaven. It is a moving true story about a young girl who has an incurable stomach disorder. Her journey of pain is a difficult one to watch – throwing up constantly, being fed through a tube, living with a distended stomach, enduring multiple procedures and tests. My mother heart ached as I watched the mother in the story fight to find out what was really wrong with her daughter and to get her some kind of treatment.
Being told you have something wrong with you that is incurable is a difficult blow to take. How do you have hope? This young child had many moments of despair as she faced constant pain. Her mother struggles with her faith as she tries to comprehend how a loving God would allow her daughter to suffer so much.
This story has an unexpected twist. While playing with her sisters in a climbing tree, the girl falls into the open center of the tree trunk. When she is rescued, she has a few scrapes but is otherwise unharmed. What is even more amazing is that she is healed of her disease.
The movie explains how this young girl had an out of body experience and met Jesus. She journeyed to a place of immense beauty and light. She wanted to stay but Jesus told her it was not her time yet. He also assured her that she was healed – and she was. No more pain, no more not eating food, no more distended stomach.
Doctors cannot explain what happened to her. We can though. It is a blessed miracle of God.

The question remains – why did this young girl have to suffer in the first place? Perhaps part of the answer lies in the roommate she had when in the hospital. This other child did not know the Lord and was dying of cancer. She learned about the way of salvation, thanks to the main character of this story sharing God’s Word. In her last days, the young cancer patient was at peace with God.
It is inspiring to see God’s hand at work through traumatic circumstances. Do we fully understand His plan? Not fully on this side of heaven. We do know that God keeps His promises and He will be there to walk us through whatever this life might bring us.
Sometimes we get the miracle. A healing occurs, a marriage is saved, a loved one is returned. Other times, however, we live with daily pain, lose a family member, or other traumatic experiences. Through all these times of wrestling with the cares of life, God uses these times for our growth.
Your miracle might be the opportunity to be instrumental in sharing God’s Word to help others know Christ. How we handle ourselves in tough situations is a great witness to the saving power of the Gospel.
I know my friend that you might feel angry right now. Why is my child suffering when others are running around enjoying life? Why am I hurting with ___________ while others are fine?
I pray, friend, that you may know God’s immeasurable grace and mercy in whatever situation you are facing right this moment. Trust Him to lead you through whatever path you must walk. Whether He has given you the miracle of a fresh start or you are facing a very uncertain future, you are not alone. God loves you. He will use you wherever He has placed you.