Most Best Teacher
Every day is an adventure with the little people in my classroom. Their antics amuse and their insights into things amaze me. For them, life is much simpler – more black and white. When they get excited about things they go full tilt. I love to see the glint in their eyes as they tackle something that intrigues them.
For some, entering into their lives means crossing barriers. They are reluctant learners, for various reasons. Such students often hesitate to actively engage. It is a challenge to reach those inner corners of their lives if they don’t open the door.
The other day, while walking outside on recess supervision, I met up with one of my challenging students. She is an English language learner and struggles to understand what is going on in the classroom quite frequently. When I met her this day, she wanted to introduce me to her playmate who is a student in another class. Her way of introducing me – “This is Mrs. Goerz, the most best teacher.”
Sure, her grammar leaves a lot to be desired, but she shares her heart. She finds a comfort zone in our classroom and blossoms as a student as a result. She feels safe in our situation and takes more risks lately to express herself in her new second language.

As I continued to walk on that particular recess break, my thoughts were drawn to my “most best” teacher – Jesus. “Most” means the greatest amount or to the greatest extent. What better word to use to describe our Saviour, who went to the extreme to save us from our sins?
Think about it – Jesus was in glorious heaven before He came to earth as a baby. He left all those wonders to live life among us sinful human beings. Jesus lived through all human experiences – infancy, childhood, teens, and adulthood. He endured persecution, suffering, and death, at our expense.
Jesus is indeed our “most best” teacher. His love encompasses us as we traverse this life. Jesus is there to support us through whatever life throws our way. He is the greatest teacher ever and He guides us, when we are willing to listen, with His great wisdom and knowledge.
There is no one better to go to when we have a problem than our loving Saviour. His great compassion for us never fails. Jesus is our best source of hope and encouragement.
On days when things aren’t going well or hope seems impossible, I hope you will reflect on the fact that Jesus is our best resource and guide. The Saviour of the world, who gave His all, His life, for us, will not leave us on our own. Just like my student trusts me to help her learn and grow, so we need to trust that Jesus will be there to support us and instruct us on the right path to take.
In the scurrying of life, it is easy to forget that Jesus is there. When things are going reasonably okay, He often gets pushed aside. It is at those moments, though, that we need to recognize the incredible gifts our Lord gives us and to thank and praise Him for them.
My student is growing each day in her language skills because she has put her trust in me as instructor. Without that, she would be floundering. So too with us. When we trust that Christ has the best in store for us, we can flourish in faith.
Put yourself in the care and direction of our loving Lord and Saviour. He will not disappoint. Prepare to flourish under His care, in ways impossible by human means. Trust Him, explicitly. The result will be amazing.
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