My Time is in Your Hands
In a recent Bible reading I was drawn to these particular verses:
“But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in Your hands’; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. Let Your face shine on Your servant; save me in Your unfailing love.” (Psalm 31:14-16 NIV)
There is so much to unpack in these words. But first, why is this topic on my mind so much at this time?
My niece spoke of time passing fast in her last days. She knew her cancer was progressing; but it amazed her how quickly the changes seemed to come.
One thing she knew for certain was this Psalms Scripture passage. She knew that God held her in His hands while on earth and would safely transport her to her heavenly home with Him when the appointed time came. Yet, she still longed for more time with her loved ones.
It makes my own laments about lack of time seem very trite. How often do I say how I wish I had more time for family, friends, projects, job chores, etc.? How often do I lament that time seems to be fleeting and moving forward faster than I would like?
If I think about it, I frequently spend more time worrying about a lack of time in my life rather than thinking about how I can productively use the time I do have. After all, none of us knows how much time God is going to grant us on this earth. Each day should be treasured and used to the utmost to nurture relationships, care for each other, and look for ways to serve our Lord.

David speaks some very important truths in our passage. We cannot control our time allowed on earth. That is in God’s hands. It requires huge trust on our parts to put our faith in God and to be confident that He will direct us as we need it if we let Him.
While enemies pursued him, David kept his focus on his true source of strength. He asks God to shine His face upon him. Basking in the light of God, David could move forward in faith and follow the direction God had for him.
No matter what our situation or commitments or time demands, it is crucial to remember that God has got this. He holds all our times in His stable and secure hands. He never lets us go. There is no event or circumstance in our lives that is out of His control.
Rather than grieving time lost or missed opportunities or things left undone or unsaid; let us instead focus on what God would have us do with the time and energy He has given us. The answer to that is as individual as we are. God calls each of us to different purposes in His kingdom.
I pray that you will look for opportunities to use your time as God directs. This may be as large a project as mission work or it may be caring for family in your own home. It is all important to God and it matters. Rather than lament time passed, instead focus on living each day to the fullest.
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