Pen in Hand
There is just something about writing on paper that appeals to me. I love the feel of a pen in my hand. As the ink flows to paper, I feel the ideas pour out of my brain. I have notepads everywhere, jotting down ideas and taking study notes.
Computers expedite writing and I do appreciate them for the ease of editing and producing a final copy. Yet, I am reluctant to give up writing with pen and paper just yet. I seem to think much better as my hand must form the words of my creation. The flowing movement of the pen inspires me and urges me on to create and fashion more words on the page. A pen in my hand gives me a feeling of unlimited power. There are no boundaries where my pen cannot reach.
It reminds me of a quote from Mother Teresa:
“I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
Seeing ourselves as God’s writing device is very thought provoking. Our limitless God takes each of us and works through us no matter what our situation. With us as pens in His hand, He writes an incredible story and uses that story to touch the lives of others.
Looking at life this way, the possibilities are endless as God can do anything through us if we are willing to be His instrument. God has so much He can say through me – not just with pen and paper, but in my thoughts and actions, and with my interactions with people. What do you think He has to say through you?
Life doesn’t always flow as easily as a pen on paper. I forget, at times, that it is God doing the work through me and instead try to accomplish things on my own terms. Worry, stress, and anxiety appear when I focus on what I am doing rather than let God be the author of my work. I find many of my challenges occur when I try to dictate the movement of the pen that is my life rather than let God lead and direct.
What comfort there is in letting God hold the pen as He knows what it is I should be writing in my daily life. Just as the pen flows in my hand as I write my stories, so my life flows better with God directing my path.
More than anything, I want to serve God and share the joyous news of salvation through Jesus Christ. My faith bubbles out and impacts those I meet. I pray that I may be the tool that helps others grow in faith and love for our Lord.
My own life is a book, with many pages that still need to be filled. What will God write through me? That remains to be seen. I know that less positive will be written if I am stubborn and insist on going my own way with disregard for God’s plans for me. I need to pray for wisdom to discern what God is trying to convey through me. My story is uniquely given by God – there are things He specifically has for me to do and share.
It is the same for all of us. God has put each of us in different vocations. Some of us are working at home caring for children or an elderly family member. Others of us are out in the workforce in a variety of occupations – working on farms, in the trades, or in business for example. No matter what our calling in life, we can be God’s implements as He guides our paths. God is writing our stories, wherever we are.
I want the book of my life to reflect God’s loving hand and wisdom. I continue to pray that He will use me in His service and that I will be more open to putting my own desires aside and seek His will instead.
With God holding the pen, our lives have unlimited possibilities. He can and will make use of the gifts that He has given us, if we are open to His leading. I hope that you will consider what God wants to write through you today. It will certainly be a masterpiece.