Terry Fox was an amazing young man who did an incredible job raising awareness for cancer research. In our class this week, we talked a lot about Terry’s cancer journey and his drive to provide hope to those with cancer. As we prepared to do our Terry Fox walk, we talked about the original Marathon of Hope and how Terry wanted it to continue, even if he was unable to do so.
Trying to define “hope” for my students was a challenge. For them, the word conjures up images of wishful thinking. Yet, for the Christian, it is so much more than that. Hope is having confidence in our faithful God, to do what He has promised. Wishful thinking is related to our own strength to make things happen. Christian hope relies on God’s strength to work in our lives for His good.
The concept of hope is one that has come more to the forefront in recent times. With so many troubles in the world, how do we have hope when our lives are turned upside down?

The Psalmist puts it this way:
“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” (Ps. 119:50 NIV)
No matter what we are going through, our strength does not come from us. It is God’s promise that will guard and keep us from all evil. We have the assurance that God will hold us close and that we He will walk with us.
Yet, sometimes, when life is in a tumult, it is hard to grasp that promise.
This week resurfaced a multitude of feelings that were wrapped around my own cancer diagnosis last year. I don’t think there are words to describe the feelings that rush through a person when the doctor says those horrible words – “You have cancer.” Thinking about God preserving my life or there being hope was hard to digest at that time.
God is not talking about earthly preservation here. Our souls are safe for eternity if we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. When I focus on the long-term picture, I find comfort. As I drink in the sustaining Word of God I find solace, no matter what life is throwing at me at the moment.
That is the only way I survived in those moments of wondering what my future held. Holding onto the God of mercy who keeps His promises.
Take comfort in whatever suffering you are facing – God will hold onto you. Lean on Him and His strength.
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