Reaching Out to Those Who Need Us
Some days I really wonder what God is doing in my life. As I trudge through my day, I question why life has to be so hard at times. How am I supposed to move forward with so many obstacles?
If I constantly focus on the obstacles themselves, I get weary and downtrodden. This kind of attitude really doesn’t get me anywhere.
It helps to have a change of perspective. God is working in our lives each and every day, through both good and bad circumstances. While we may question His purpose and plan when things are tough, He does have a reason when He allows us to traverse through challenging territory.
I do believe that God sometimes allows us to have difficult experiences for us to gain understanding of others and their circumstances. We often don’t realize it at the time, but somewhere along the way the light bulb goes on and we comprehend what God is trying to teach us.
An example in my life is all the moving and career changes I have had to make. These experiences have taught me many things.

I remember vividly my transition from a small private school to a large urban public school. I had been in a situation where I knew everyone and had a solid friend base. Now I was placed in a much larger pool of fish and I found myself frequently swimming alone.
I shed many tears as I tried to cope with my new situation. It was not an easy transition for me at all. I am a quiet person who takes considerable time to adjust to new situations and feel comfortable with new people.
Early in that particular teaching year I had to attend a school division meeting with others from our particular district. All the teachers in my school had their buddies who they gravitated to. I didn’t know my own school staff well at all, let alone anyone in this large auditorium of teachers. As I sat by myself, other groups of teachers ended up close beside me, but with no acknowledgement of my existence.
Mixed emotions raged through me – loneliness, fear, embarrassment, sadness. Uncertainty reigned as I didn’t know what to do and had no one to ask. These emotions changed to hurt when not one person around me said hello.
Unfortunately, it got even worse. An eager young presenter decided to have us do a “mixer” which required us to pair up with someone else. Before I could make much of a move, all those teachers within close proximity of me were paired up and definitely making it known that I wasn’t welcome. I could have cried right then and there. I was too embarrassed to get up and go move somewhere else and I didn’t want to expose myself to further isolation so I just kept my eyes focused on the activity sheet.
I did survive that day but it was certainly emotionally trying. I got a bit out of the speakers, but it was really hard to learn anything when I felt so upset and didn’t understand all the procedures of the day.
I remember days like that when I go to work in my classroom. Every year I have new students come in who must find their way in a new school setting. It saddens me to watch my students have trouble fitting in and struggling to make their way with strong existing bonds of friendship already existing in our room. I know that their feelings of not belonging affect their learning, as it did for me that terrible day at my school meeting.
God uses my own experiences to help me teach my students. I would not understand all the emotions of being in a new school if I hadn’t had to make those kinds of changes myself.
While I certainly don’t want to relive bad days like that particular school meeting, I do appreciate God working in my heart and life to change me through experiences like that one. I have more empathy and understanding because of circumstances like these.
My friend, I don’t know what challenges you are dealing with at this moment. I do know that God will work through whatever we are facing. I hope and pray that we can find ways to get past our own frustrating experiences and use the knowledge we have gained to reach out to others in need.
God made us to connect. May you find someone who can benefit from your unique set of circumstances and experiences.
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