Rest Secure
As I write this, I am in my last few days of Christmas school break. My husband is working away from home and so my place is quiet. I am free to do what I want, when I want. I need to take advantage of these days. Very shortly I will be back to full days of school, planning, and commuting.
In thinking about what I want 2024 to look like, I am trying to consider how I can get more time allocated to non-school things. Teaching is not an easy profession right now with many diverse needs in each classroom and things like curriculum updates and new methodologies to implement. How do I keep from getting more tired and stressed with all the demands placed upon me? How do I order my days to have time to serve the Lord and care for my family?

King David in the Old Testament definitely had his share of stressors in life as well as many things to balance. On top of his basic duties of king, there were battles being fought, as well as inner turmoil amongst his children. Scripture has many of his words as he processed life and considered God’s place in it.
In Psalm 16, David has some excellent words for us to consider as we face life’s challenges:
“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” (Psalm 16:7-9 NIV)
There are three major points that David makes here. The first seems simple, but yet often is hard for us – praise God in all circumstances. I know when my to do list goes crazy, praising God often does not come to mind. Yet how different my day is when I begin it with praise to God, thanking Him for providing for me as well as giving me the strength to handle whatever the day holds.
Secondly, David speaks of setting the Lord before him. Life gets pretty rough when we get inwardly focused, dwelling on our problems and not seeing the big picture. When we look to the Lord, we need not be shaken by what happens. God knows what is ahead and will prepare us for it. We only need to follow Him.
Lastly, as we take into account that the Lord is always before us, we can rest secure and have a glad heart. David speaks often of God being a refuge. How precious it is to have the assurance of God taking care of us and because of that we don’t have to stress and strain over what our future holds.
As we consider the year to come, I pray that we can remember that the Lord is before us. He knows what is coming and He will prepare us for what we need. Rest secure dear friend in the love of our Lord and His gracious provision for us.
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