Do you ever feel drawn in a particular direction without a reason? I think at times the Holy Spirit nudges us – directing us in a way to broaden our understanding and grow in the faith.
That was me this morning. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to open up a long put aside notebook. It is not a journal like I normally keep – one that documents life events and feelings and perceptions of my world. This one is a place for me to share my commentary on how Scripture touches me deeply and ministers to me again and again.
Since I started blogging, this unique journal has largely been put aside. Picking it up today took me back many years. There are some difficult things to read in the beginning of this journal; things recorded at a time in my life when hope was fleeting and the pain in my life immense.
Yet, as I read my words written from time past, the burden of the situation no longer weighs on me. Yes, I am somewhat sad to think of the life experiences from that time, but they do not encompass me anymore. Like leaves floating downstream, these past painful episodes have been cleansed from my system.
One of the thoughts I expressed in writing so long ago was the hope for restoration. I wanted to return to the happy young woman I had once been – one who had great hope for her future. In my lost and unsure feelings, I continually asked God to make a new way for me where I could be whole and joyful again.

God uses many means to restore our lives and give us hope for the future. I know for me; He surrounds me with supportive family and friends. He exposes me to superb writers and teachers to help me grow in faith. Scripture points me to joy and hope, again and again.
God did provide a time of restoration. He not only healed my broken heart, He made me a stronger, more capable person through this journey. I think of it like refinishing old furniture. It is amazing what some sanding, filling, and staining can do to make old wood look almost like new. And that’s me – God has smoothed some rough spots, filled me with His Word, and covered me with His love.
So why did the Holy Spirit draw me to this old journal today? Why have me revisit old experiences? Why now?
At this point in my life, I am facing some big hurdles which threaten to overwhelm me at times. Yet, as I read these long-ago written passages and look back on the journey I took at that time, I realize that what I face now is definitely not as severe as those things recorded early in this Scripture journal. As I reread the Scripture verses that spoke to me years ago and my observations about how those words were helpful to me then, I see hope for restoration once again.
Surely, if God brought me through those traumatic times past, He will do so again.
King David knew the need for God to work in and through His life. When he wrote Psalm 23, he shared these words:
“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (verse 3 ESV)
God not only picks us up, He mends all the pieces better than new. He doesn’t just fix us up, He directs us on the proper paths that we need.
Are you in need of restoration today? Do the hurts and pain of life encompass you right now? Trust that God will be there. He can change your life.
While perfect restoration only occurs in heaven through the saving work of Jesus, there is a lot that God does for us to help restore our lives and spirits after a time of siege. He is the Builder of everything and He can and does take the shattered pieces of our lives and mend what is broken.
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