Stepping Out on the Edge
They go about their daily business. Outsiders might call them unskilled labourers. But doing what they do requires knowledge of the weather, of the sea, and of specific techniques. In the societal hierarchy, they are on the lower side of the scale. Yet they do their work with faithfulness and patience in order to provide for their families.
These fishermen are going about their daily tasks when Jesus walks up to them. Scripture doesn’t tell us if they had heard Jesus’ message prior to this day. It is highly likely that they already knew something about His work and ministry as Jesus had been preaching in the area. What may have surprised them is Jesus’ request to come and follow Him and become fishers of men. Yet the Bible says that they – brothers Peter and Andrew first, and then brothers James and John – have the same reaction: they drop their nets and their work, leave their fishing boats and family members, and they follow Jesus IMMEDIATELY.
When I look at this account, I am amazed at the trust these two sets of brothers have in our Saviour. I can see my own reaction – the questions would abound: What do I have to do? Where are we going? How are we going to provide for ourselves? What do I do about my family? What kind of support system is there? and so on. I don’t make decisions easily as I like to ponder all the options. I am not sure that “immediately” is in my vocabulary when it comes to finding direction for my life.

I recently finished an excellent book by Deb Burma called Stepping Out to a life on the edge.
Deb speaks about each of us being called to a unique purpose. How often though, we struggle to fulfill that purpose because of fear and doubt. Stepping out of our comfort zone is challenging. She uses the account of the calling of the disciples as one of her examples of stepping out on the edge and trusting Jesus.
The book resonates with me as I face some changes to the priorities in my life. I struggle with where God wants me to serve at this point in time. Areas that defined me in the past no longer really apply anymore. I know I have God given abilities in a few areas but I haven’t figured out where best to apply them. If I want to be honest, fear is rampant. Fear of career unknowns, fear of failing, fear of having to learn new things, and even fear of succeeding and the changes that would bring to my life. Thankfully, Jesus gives me the courage to go beyond my fear.
I like my comfort zone. As Deb says in her book – moving toward a new opportunity means moving away from something else. I struggle with the letting go of my past and moving on even when I know I definitely need to do so.
Gradually God is working in my life to help me make adjustments. It takes trust to move onto new things, especially when they are outside of my comfort zone. I pray that I can be more like the disciples – trusting in Jesus and following Him immediately when He calls me. In reality, following immediately is easier – no battling back and forth with myself about making the correct choices. Instead, it is believing that Christ will help me do what He calls me to do.
What gets in the way of you stepping out on the edge? Have there been times in your life when you did stretch outside your comfort zone with dramatic benefits? It is truly amazing what God can do when we allow Him to work in us and through us.
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