• shallow focus of purple flowers

    Growing in Grace

    It is so therapeutic for me to spend time outdoors and work in my garden again. This time of year, is a time for hope as seeds are planted with the potential of growth and trees begin to bud with the promise of fruit to come. My days alternate between tending the seedlings in my greenhouse and cleaning up my flower gardens so that they are ready for perennials to emerge and seeds and seedlings to be planted. This myriad of tasks all has the purpose of preparing and nurturing. Without this time spent, I would not have as an effective of a garden. It would be much more difficult…

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  • gray and brown mountain

    Climb Every Mountain

    As I sit in the darkened theatre, anticipation wells up inside me. In the hush just prior to the orchestra’s first grand notes, I am drawn back to many years ago when I first experienced this musical as part of the performance’s chorus. The music, memorized as a child, is a part of me and I am easily drawn into this production of my favourite show – The Sound of Music. It is the first time seeing this production live and I sit enthralled as familiar scenes pass before my eyes. Knowing the storyline well doesn’t take away from my enjoyment. This heartwarming story of a woman’s journey to find…

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  • white dandelion flower shallow focus photography

    Can Good Come Out of Bad?

    As he looks all around him the setting is grim. The walls are filthy and dark and the floor smells dank and dour. Very little light seeps into the cavity that is now his residence. Chains bind his hands and feet. Meals are meagre bits of gruel and bread. His future on earth is uncertain. Yet, in amidst it all he is full of thanksgiving! My Scripture reading time this week has taken me into Philippians. I love how Paul starts off this book with words of thanksgiving. Paul is full of joy over the Philippians’ positive response to the Gospel. His love for God’s people is evident throughout this…

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  • brown field and blue sky

    Tired of Being Tired

    It is another full day of managing my little people. Their vibrance inspires me and drives me to work harder to meet their needs and give them the best education possible. The needs of these students are vast and many days I feel overwhelmed about even being able to even make a dent in all that needs to be done. I come home tired – a good tired, mind you, after a busy day at school. But then I look around my home and see all the things left undone. I go from a massive to do list at work to another one in my own household. I feel perplexed…

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  • The Most Important Thing

    This week we will celebrate what would have been my niece’s 41st birthday. This year, her birthday lands on Good Friday. What an appropriate remembrance time. Elizabeth believed fully in the power of the Cross. She knew, without a doubt, that the grief of Good Friday is only a stepping stone to the utmost joy we experience with Easter Sunday. God’s Word is very clear. We all deserve death for the sins we commit. Whether the sin is big or small, our trespasses lead to eternal condemnation. But wait. God has a way out for us with a clear salvation plan. He sent His only Son as a Sacrificial Lamb…

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  • Assurance and Restoration

    We pick up an item from the store with excitement to have something new. As we open the package there is anticipation about how the item will fit into our lives and the uses it will have. Then we use the item once or twice. It tears, it shrinks, it breaks. Has this happened to you? I find it happening more and more these days as good quality is hard to come by. When I buy a product, I like to have the assurance that it is going to do what it says it will or have the quality it is supposed to have. It is very frustrating to purchase…

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  • calm body of water under green leaf tree

    Focusing on What Isn’t

    It’s just so easy to do. Think about it – you get together with a group of friends and it turns into a gripe session. You get up in the morning thinking of all you have to do and you are focused on the whole ‘too much to do too little time’ thoughts. You start to think about what God would have you do with your life and you focus on all the negative aspects of particular choices. You experience grief or loss and all you can think about is what is missing in your life. At one time in my life my career was not where I wanted it.…

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  • body of water during dawn

    Working Through Hurt

    As I hold the sweet little baby in my arms I am amazed at her tiny, intricate form. I love examining her little hands and toes and feeling the softness of her fine baby hair. At 19, it is a new experience for me as I haven’t been around babies much in my life. I am most certainly in love with this dear sweet niece. As a toddler, she and I are blessed to spend time together. We have our adventures when I take her out for the day to give her mom a break. The thrill of that little hand in mine brings immeasurable joy. Her smiles and laughter…

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  • mt fuji japan

    What Should We Be Looking At?

    Have you ever felt invisible? It doesn’t feel great. It conjures up emotions of unworthiness and insignificance. Neither of these is desirable or healthy. The culture of the world today values those who are strong and smart, wealthy and influential. Who gets noticed in the media… the rich, the famous, the well dressed, the athletic, and so on. Often, if we don’t meet up to these unrealistic expectations of value, we feel unworthy and less important. We strive to be something we are not, in the hopes of being recognized. Even in the time of King David, appearances sometimes took precedence. Samuel had been given the task to anoint the…

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  • trees on snowfield during golden hour

    Where is Our Constant?

    Recently my husband and I returned to a spot that holds special memories for us. It was lovely to see the same sights and relive some of the pleasant moments we had enjoyed there. The hard thing about revisiting this spot was in seeing a number of changes. The place we had seen in the past was aglow with lights of all sorts. It was like walking through a fairyland. Not so this time. There were some lights and a sparse number of decorations, but that was all. Sadly, things do change. We see change all around us. As we begin a new year, it is often with the thoughts…

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