• time lapse photography of waterfalls during sunset

    What Are You Looking For?

    What really matters to you?  What makes you happy?  When do you feel totally satisfied?  What things turn your life around? The world wants us to focus on questions like these.  If you only do this or only have that, then you will find true satisfaction in life.  You have to find your own destiny.  It’s up to you to make things happen in your life and to help yourself feel good.   These statements, however, are all fallacies in God’s eyes.  It is not up to us to determine what is best, only God knows what that truly is.  True wholeness and satisfaction are a gift from Him. Yet…

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  • Squall Warning

    The wind is howling, rattling windows and eaves like a tornado ready to strike.  Outside the trees are swaying so much it looks like they will fall over.  As I look out the window, snow is actually blowing sideways.   These sudden, fierce storms pop up without warning.  You can easily be driving along on clear roads and within seconds be surrounded by intense, blowing snow.  Such snow squalls make driving treacherous and ill advised. The government has issued a squall warning.  While more common in areas with large bodies of water, such a warning is rare in our prairie environment.  How do we deal with such an unknown entity? …

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