• vibrant fall foliage at cove island park in stamford

    Conquering Obstacles

    In times of difficulty the following Scripture verse is often tossed our way: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV) Okay, so God works things for my good. Then why do I feel so lousy? Why is my life so messed up? Why do I hurt so much? The disconnect occurs when we think that God is going to make everything work out for us the way we want. That is not what this Scripture verse says. What this verse does say is that God is working for our…

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  • landscape from a mountain peak

    Being Connected to the Right Power Source

    Yesterday I was cleaning up my garden. In one spot I had planted morning glory flowers. I had not tried to grow these flowers for years but found some seed and tried them out. I find morning glory flowers attractive as they climb up their support and are arrayed with brilliant blue colours. The only problem I have is that I didn’t get any burst of colour this year. Oh yes, the plants grew. They actually grew immensely tall with vines intertwining the mesh support, wound up tight. The vines of the plant stretched out over and beyond the support. Yet, not one flower appeared. For whatever reason, what was…

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  • scenic waterfall in lush oregon forest

    Getting Your Racing Shoes On 

    The runner is breathless at the end of the race, but very satisfied to have made the grade and completed the run to the end of the course.  There is a great sense of accomplishment to take on a task and see it to the end, no matter what the obstacles.    Hebrews talks about our lives being a race:  “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”  (Hebrews 12:1 NIV)  Typically, running a race requires preparation.  It…

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  • cairn stones and body of water in distance

    Make Time 

    Would you like to have more energy?  Would you like to improve your overall well-being?  Would you like to prevent burnout and increase your productivity?  Would you like to reduce your levels of stress and anxiety?  I’m sure the answer is yes!    So how do we go about it?  Personally, more energy would be a blessing these days with my busy classroom.  Each day I am run off my feet with little chance to recharge.  I am definitely open to ideas to make my situation better and I am sure you are as well.  The solution is a relatively simple one – make time for what you love.    I know,…

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  • scenic view of agricultural field against sky during sunset

    Can Steadfastness be a Reality? 

    Her face is etched in pain.  Usually a happy, vibrant person, it is if the light has been snatched from her life.  The grief washes over her as she comes to grips with the terrible diagnosis.  Her husband of many years is dying and the doctors predict it will happen quite soon.    How do we move forward when life is turned upside down?  Where do we find solace and strength when turmoil reigns in our lives? It is a subject I speak of frequently as none of us is immune to the effects of sin in our world.  We need constant reminders of how to deal with life’s challenges.  Anger…

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  • green coconut trees near body of water

    In my Father’s Arms 

    It was a joyous day yesterday as my children and grandchildren took me on an excursion to a heritage village museum.  It was a place we had toured together when my children were young and it was restorative to spend time together there again.  Our day took us through many old buildings and farm sites and we had great fun rambling through the extensive site.  One of the members of our party was my three-year-old granddaughter.  She did really well throughout most of the day, but as the heat increased and the steps taken were many, my granddaughter began to wear out.  In her grumpy state her mother picked up…

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  • green field

    Fighting the Battle 

    There are days when I wonder how such a small plant can create such a big problem.  My battle with chickweed is an ongoing challenge.  It is my nemesis – causing me considerable time and effort to eradicate.  Chickweed is a difficult plant.  The roots are delicate and don’t pull up easily.  If you hoe chickweed, it can restart itself from the bits of the plant.  Even in areas where I have taken the time to dig it up and throw out the plants, I still battle the weed.  This nasty little weed is causing me to lose production in certain parts of my garden.  I despair at times that…

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  • corn fields under white clouds with blue sky during daytime

    When Facing a Brutal Adversary

    It is a rough time for our family right now. Only a few months ago, we lost our dear Elizabeth to cancer. This week cancer has stolen another loved one – a beloved brother and uncle. But cancer’s attack doesn’t end there. We also learned this past week that my husband’s friend since childhood has stage 4 cancer with only a few months to live. I’ve got to say, I want to scream. I want to rant. I have cried buckets of tears over the losses and impending loss. In Elizabeth’s funeral message the pastor spoke of cancer being a brutal adversary. It can destroy our song. But he didn’t…

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  • red raspberries

    Just a Little Bit More

    As the early morning sun advances in the sky, you will frequently find me in my berry patch these days. I find peace and contentment in the abundant provision God provides. My time picking is often a time of contemplation and of prayer. For me, while it is work, it is restorative. I do have a very bad habit when I am berry picking. No, it is not stuffing my face full of the picking proceeds. As I grab for a handful of berries, I will frequently have some in my hand and reach in to grab just one more before I pull my hand out of the bush and…

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    Living a Life of Service

    For as long as I can remember, the love of Christ has been a part of my life. An outpouring from that love has been my desire to be of service to my Lord. I just cannot imagine a life without reaching out to others with care and concern and sharing the Gospel message of hope and peace. Throughout Scripture the admonition is given to serve the Lord with all our hearts. Christian service is meant to be done with enthusiasm not as a dreary expectation. How often, though, is my service based on what other people expect of me. I drag my feet and complain about all these things…

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