• green christmas tree

    Where is the Joy?

    As we venture closer to the Christmas season there are many representations of the concept of joy. The world likes to present joy as having all the stuff you want and celebrating with the people you want. If you have just the right gifts or the perfect table setting, then you will be happy. If your house has that perfect Christmas decorations, then all will be well. Christian joy is another matter. As believers, our joy is not centered on ourselves, but on Christ, the Author and Perfector of our faith. It is a celebration of all that God has done for us and all He continues to work in…

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  • photo of bridge with white snow

    Every Moment of Every Day

    Life gets busy. Some days seem to go by in a blur of activity. I get to the end of the day and wonder what did I truly accomplish. It is easy to get caught up in the things of this world. Family issues, job expectations, household upkeep, financial concerns, health habits – all intertwine to keep our minds on the go. Perhaps, like me, you find it hard to fit the spiritual in all that some days. It’s not that I ignore God but I assume I can get to matters with Him at some future point. Sure, there are little blips of prayers going heavenward in a day,…

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  • landscape photography of sunflower field during sunset

    Help Wanted

    It is the time of year in our congregation where we are seeking nominations for various church boards. Even though our local church is a good size; it seems to be an ongoing struggle to get people to help with the ministries of the Church. It is not just our church that sees this issue. We face this lack of willing workers with various town organizations who are looking for volunteers to run programs. What’s with the lack of service attitude that seems to be increasingly prevalent today? The standard answer people give is that they “are too busy”. Having just come off of a few weeks of doing report…

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  • green forest near mountain range under clear sky

    What Does Listening Have to do With Anything?

    Throughout the years I have had groups of students who, for whatever reason, have significant challenges with listening. This lack of listening skill permeates negatively throughout our days into a variety of activities and tasks. As their teacher, I model behaviours and expectations, present information in a variety of ways, and say things more than once, etc. – yet to no avail. They continue to barrel ahead in their own way, regardless of instructions. Needless to say, there are many more things done wrong than there should be. There is disrespect shown to people who are speaking. There are complications when steps are missed in procedures. How often we adults…

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  • green mountains and body of water

    A Time to Talk

    This morning is one of those when I wish I could have a long chat with my mother. While I can have a conversation with her, her unclear mind prohibits the close talks we have always had over the years. My mother has been my sounding board. I was usually able to figure things out when I would explain situations, concerns, problems, to her. Somehow, my mom always seemed to have the steady answer I needed, even if she didn’t totally understand the circumstances. I often found that in the process of explaining things to her, it would clarify my own thinking and help me find the path I needed.…

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  • Where is Your Confidence?

    Do you ever wish that you lived in a simpler time? I sure feel that way occasionally. I find life very complex in many areas. I was speaking with a fellow teacher the other day of how both families and school systems have changed over the years. In our early days of teaching, most families were intact. Such is not the case now as we have many students navigating the challenges of their parents living apart. In the past, more families had one stay at home parent. Today most families have both parents working in order to survive the ever-rising cost of living. Today teaching requires a lot more than…

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  • red leaf trees in the park


    There is a lot of talk about mindfulness these days. It is something I teach, even to my young students. It involves focusing on the present moment and accepting your thoughts and feelings, with no judgment. As a teaching tool, it is meant to calm us as we try to regulate ourselves in the midst of the flurry of what is going on around us. My naturopath actually brought up the concept of mindfulness again, suggesting I would improve my digestion if I practiced mindful eating. What is that about? It means focusing on just eating – not TV, reading a book, or texting. The theory is that if my…

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  • Going in Training

    As a new school year begins, I face a whole new crop of students to love and direct. We spend our early days getting to know one another and building new routines. It is the same each fall as I forget how well trained my class was in the past school year. My students learn what is expected and by the end of the year they easily follow routines and tasks because they are well versed in what to do. Then I get a new batch of students who have no idea how I operate my classroom and what I expect of them. It takes many weeks of training for…

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  • blue lake in summer

    It’s Good to Remember

    Today has been a day of much thoughtfulness. As much as I would like not to, memories invade my thinking processes and emotional well-being. Why do these thoughts wheedle their way into my day? Can I not just put them aside and move forward? Two years ago, today, I faced cancer surgery. That was definitely high on the list of hard days in my life. While the memories dim somewhat, the pain of that diagnosis still makes me shudder. I really can take these memories two ways. I can dwell on the “why me” aspect. That leads me down a path of no good. My other option is to remember…

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  • green trees

    A Living Legacy

    The morning sun seeps into the room, but the woman knows it not. As I sit with her, she asks why the light is not on as it seems so dark. Her beautiful blue eyes, ones that have looked out on me since my birth, are now unseeing and darkness prevails. The sparkle is gone and struggles take hold. Another woman sits in her wheelchair, alone in a strange place. No one is familiar to her and she seems lost in the vastness of the new facility. Her joyful chuckle is not totally silenced, but it is vastly diminished. She is filled with great unhappiness at being separated from all…

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