• corn fields under white clouds with blue sky during daytime

    When Facing a Brutal Adversary

    It is a rough time for our family right now. Only a few months ago, we lost our dear Elizabeth to cancer. This week cancer has stolen another loved one – a beloved brother and uncle. But cancer’s attack doesn’t end there. We also learned this past week that my husband’s friend since childhood has stage 4 cancer with only a few months to live. I’ve got to say, I want to scream. I want to rant. I have cried buckets of tears over the losses and impending loss. In Elizabeth’s funeral message the pastor spoke of cancer being a brutal adversary. It can destroy our song. But he didn’t…

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    Living a Life of Service

    For as long as I can remember, the love of Christ has been a part of my life. An outpouring from that love has been my desire to be of service to my Lord. I just cannot imagine a life without reaching out to others with care and concern and sharing the Gospel message of hope and peace. Throughout Scripture the admonition is given to serve the Lord with all our hearts. Christian service is meant to be done with enthusiasm not as a dreary expectation. How often, though, is my service based on what other people expect of me. I drag my feet and complain about all these things…

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  • aerial photography of water beside forest during golden hour

    Leaving a Legacy

    Yesterday was a joyous day as we celebrated a family birthday. As I watched my children and grandchildren playing, I chuckled at their antics. It warmed my heart to see their interactions and enjoyment of each other. As I look at the next two generations, I wonder what kind of legacy I am leaving them. What is it that I need to pass on to them as the best inheritance? How can I lead my life that will be an example to them and encourage them in their own life journeys? How can I be God’s light in their lives and show them the hope I have in Christ? One…

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    What to do with Anxiety

    As I reflect on my teaching experiences, an overarching theme comes up. I am seeing more and more children with some form of anxiety. It astounds me how children so young can be filled with so much trepidation and uncertainty about life. I can understand anxiety in students who are experiencing issues at home but it frequently shows up in children who seem to have a together home life and things going well. I have observed children being almost paralyzed with fear over new situations or new relationships. Their whole viewpoint is skewed with a focus on all the what ifs rather than what is true and right. Anxiety affects…

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  • white sailboat on water

    Life in Abundance

    As we began life on our acreage nine years ago, we had great plans for a flourishing garden to provide food for our household. It has been a tumultuous process with flooding, hail, and a variety of other circumstances trying to destroy our hard work. It has been many years of waiting for what was planted to come to fruition. Definitely, it has been a time to develop patience. We planted our little fruit trees in faith, trusting that God would help them grow and produce fruit. This year we are finally seeing some of that come into play. As I walk through the garden and see the abundance of…

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    Be Strong and Take Heart

    Just when I think things are going well, something happens to upset my equilibrium. It would be nice if things could just go okay for a while. Why do these bumps in the road keep happening? It would be really nice to just have a peaceful life for a time at least. The fact is, in our sinful world, there is no perfect ride. There are twists and turns in the road and many unforeseen pitfalls and hazards. Sometimes our road is a familiar one, but still there are hidden challenges along the way. Sometimes God takes us on a road less travelled or one in places we never thought…

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  • gray and brown mountain

    Climb Every Mountain

    As I sit in the darkened theatre, anticipation wells up inside me. In the hush just prior to the orchestra’s first grand notes, I am drawn back to many years ago when I first experienced this musical as part of the performance’s chorus. The music, memorized as a child, is a part of me and I am easily drawn into this production of my favourite show – The Sound of Music. It is the first time seeing this production live and I sit enthralled as familiar scenes pass before my eyes. Knowing the storyline well doesn’t take away from my enjoyment. This heartwarming story of a woman’s journey to find…

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    Can Good Come Out of Bad?

    As he looks all around him the setting is grim. The walls are filthy and dark and the floor smells dank and dour. Very little light seeps into the cavity that is now his residence. Chains bind his hands and feet. Meals are meagre bits of gruel and bread. His future on earth is uncertain. Yet, in amidst it all he is full of thanksgiving! My Scripture reading time this week has taken me into Philippians. I love how Paul starts off this book with words of thanksgiving. Paul is full of joy over the Philippians’ positive response to the Gospel. His love for God’s people is evident throughout this…

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  • The Most Important Thing

    This week we will celebrate what would have been my niece’s 41st birthday. This year, her birthday lands on Good Friday. What an appropriate remembrance time. Elizabeth believed fully in the power of the Cross. She knew, without a doubt, that the grief of Good Friday is only a stepping stone to the utmost joy we experience with Easter Sunday. God’s Word is very clear. We all deserve death for the sins we commit. Whether the sin is big or small, our trespasses lead to eternal condemnation. But wait. God has a way out for us with a clear salvation plan. He sent His only Son as a Sacrificial Lamb…

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  • gray and brown mountain

    The Key to Success

    As I watch the eager faces of my students, I am amazed at how much they can absorb at their young age. They are drinking in so many things. As I plan lessons for them, I realize that there is so much for them to learn. How do I possibly teach it all? In reality, I don’t teach it all. School can’t possibly instruct students in all they need to know about the world. So, what is my purpose as their teacher? The biggest thing I can do for my students is give them tools to inquire, to think through situations, to problem solve, to explore, and to seek out…

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