Just Too Much Going On
Some weeks are just more hectic than others. I have had times in my life with extensive to do lists, but this week seems to surpass them all. I would love to say that I am handling it well and that I am trusting God to get me through whatever happens. That’s not really what’s going on. Some days I am keeping my cool, but more often than not, small things set off a string of emotions and sometimes even tears result. As I take some moments to write out my thoughts and feelings (a healing thing for me) I ponder what will turn things around for me right now.…
Surrendering Instead of Striving
I see it in my classroom every day. It’s that streak of independence that drives my students to find their own way, despite the instruction I give them. It can lead to all kinds of trouble as my little people get off track and miss the mark of the lesson or task. Sometimes it can manifest itself in relationship issues when they barrel ahead without thinking of the appropriate steps to resolve a conflict. It is challenging for us humans to submit to authority and do things someone else’s way. We want to assert our independence and we prefer to direct our own paths. What do we do, then, when God asks us…
Being Thankful
In the course of this school week, I have read my students a number of Thanksgiving stories. One of my favourites is Mercer Mayer’s Being Thankful. The main character in this story repeatedly finds himself in situations where he wants more of something. For example, he sees someone with a fancy scooter and he tells his mom he wants one. His mother reminds him that he already has a scooter. He eats an ice cream cone but someone else has a fancy sundae and so he wants that instead. Ultimately, the character grows and learns to be thankful for what he already has, but it takes a big…
Reaping a Harvest
The day was sunny and bright as we returned from a short camping trip. As we approached our deck, something was amiss. The lovely flowers that had graced my entry way now looked smashed. My first thought was about what creature might have been at my plants. But then it dawned on me – there had been severe weather when we were camping, perhaps it hit at home as well. With trepidation I went out to my large garden, fearing what storm evidence I would find. Sure enough, hail had wreaked havoc to most of my plants and fruit trees. I cried. And then I had moments of just wanting…
It’s a favourite toddler question. Why do I need to go bed? Why do birds fly? Why are apples red? Our young ones can find more “why” questions than we can ever imagine. It is their way of making sense of the world. Their inquisitive minds absorb incredible amounts of information in those early years. We are built to want to know the why of things. In our quest to gain the knowledge of the world, we want to know how things work and why things are as they are. Our human minds want to make sense of things and understand their purpose. The urge to know why has led…
An Undivided Heart
Back in the days when my twins were toddlers our life was hectic. One of my biggest challenges was keeping up with two active little people who each had minds of their own. Inevitably, we would go outside and each of them would take off after their own pursuits. My heart was divided – which twin do I chase after? It agonized me at times to think that, while I was getting one child to safety, the other might be getting into serious trouble. The conflict in my mind was great. I felt so much easier when I had the two of them inside, in a single safe confined location.…
For me, this year has been a journey through many hills and valleys. Through it all I have been overwhelmed at God’s loving hand through each and every step. While I don’t understand all the God has allowed in my life, I am truly thankful for His grace and mercy that have seen me through and for His miraculous hand bringing about healing and restoration. It is a year where I can truly agree with Billy Graham’s words: “Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.” While going through challenges this year I wondered if I would ever gain strength to get out of…