Life in Abundance
As we began life on our acreage nine years ago, we had great plans for a flourishing garden to provide food for our household. It has been a tumultuous process with flooding, hail, and a variety of other circumstances trying to destroy our hard work. It has been many years of waiting for what was planted to come to fruition. Definitely, it has been a time to develop patience. We planted our little fruit trees in faith, trusting that God would help them grow and produce fruit. This year we are finally seeing some of that come into play. As I walk through the garden and see the abundance of…
Be Strong and Take Heart
Just when I think things are going well, something happens to upset my equilibrium. It would be nice if things could just go okay for a while. Why do these bumps in the road keep happening? It would be really nice to just have a peaceful life for a time at least. The fact is, in our sinful world, there is no perfect ride. There are twists and turns in the road and many unforeseen pitfalls and hazards. Sometimes our road is a familiar one, but still there are hidden challenges along the way. Sometimes God takes us on a road less travelled or one in places we never thought…
Growing in Grace
It is so therapeutic for me to spend time outdoors and work in my garden again. This time of year, is a time for hope as seeds are planted with the potential of growth and trees begin to bud with the promise of fruit to come. My days alternate between tending the seedlings in my greenhouse and cleaning up my flower gardens so that they are ready for perennials to emerge and seeds and seedlings to be planted. This myriad of tasks all has the purpose of preparing and nurturing. Without this time spent, I would not have as an effective of a garden. It would be much more difficult…
At Every Opportunity
I am not sure how we got on the topic the other day in my classroom, but somehow my students started talking about the first people on earth. Many voiced that Adam and Eve were the first and some even added in about God forming the man from dust. It was awesome to see these young ones share the good news of God lovingly creating us – albeit very innocently. It was a tremendous opportunity for them to witness to their peers. Many places in our world are seemingly unreachable and even hostile to the Gospel message. In some locations or job positions it is challenging to share our faith…
Climb Every Mountain
As I sit in the darkened theatre, anticipation wells up inside me. In the hush just prior to the orchestra’s first grand notes, I am drawn back to many years ago when I first experienced this musical as part of the performance’s chorus. The music, memorized as a child, is a part of me and I am easily drawn into this production of my favourite show – The Sound of Music. It is the first time seeing this production live and I sit enthralled as familiar scenes pass before my eyes. Knowing the storyline well doesn’t take away from my enjoyment. This heartwarming story of a woman’s journey to find…
The Key to Success
As I watch the eager faces of my students, I am amazed at how much they can absorb at their young age. They are drinking in so many things. As I plan lessons for them, I realize that there is so much for them to learn. How do I possibly teach it all? In reality, I don’t teach it all. School can’t possibly instruct students in all they need to know about the world. So, what is my purpose as their teacher? The biggest thing I can do for my students is give them tools to inquire, to think through situations, to problem solve, to explore, and to seek out…
Where is Your Light Shining?
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16 NASB) I have read this particular Scripture verse many times. I nod and go – yes, I need to shine a light for Jesus and I do try. But what does that truly entail? What is God really asking of…
Assurance and Restoration
We pick up an item from the store with excitement to have something new. As we open the package there is anticipation about how the item will fit into our lives and the uses it will have. Then we use the item once or twice. It tears, it shrinks, it breaks. Has this happened to you? I find it happening more and more these days as good quality is hard to come by. When I buy a product, I like to have the assurance that it is going to do what it says it will or have the quality it is supposed to have. It is very frustrating to purchase…
Focusing on What Isn’t
It’s just so easy to do. Think about it – you get together with a group of friends and it turns into a gripe session. You get up in the morning thinking of all you have to do and you are focused on the whole ‘too much to do too little time’ thoughts. You start to think about what God would have you do with your life and you focus on all the negative aspects of particular choices. You experience grief or loss and all you can think about is what is missing in your life. At one time in my life my career was not where I wanted it.…
My Time is in Your Hands
In a recent Bible reading I was drawn to these particular verses: “But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in Your hands’; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. Let Your face shine on Your servant; save me in Your unfailing love.” (Psalm 31:14-16 NIV) There is so much to unpack in these words. But first, why is this topic on my mind so much at this time? My niece spoke of time passing fast in her last days. She knew her cancer was progressing; but it amazed her how quickly the changes seemed to come. One…