• rock formation

    The Worry Monster

    I know the verse. It permeates my mind when I am in distress. My head knows what it says, yet why can’t I internalize it? 1 Peter 5:7 starts out with these precious words – “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” The operative word here is “all”. God wants us to lay all those anxious thoughts at the foot of the Cross. So why does the worry monster take control of our lives instead? Why is it often so difficult to trust God and His promises in times of challenge and adversity? Right now, there are a few things in life that are causing me…

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  • Don’t Stop Seeking

    These days there is certainly no lack of things to worry about.  The media continues to portray a world where disease and violence run rampant.  Families are torn apart and many do not know where their next meal is coming from.  Job security is nonexistent for many.  I could go on and on with things that raise concerns in our lives today. I am not immune to the worry bug.  Thankfully, when the cares and concerns of this life want to take hold, I know where to turn.  My favourite Scripture in times like these is Matthew Chapter 6 where there is an entire section entitled “Do Not Worry”.  …

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