That’s Not My Problem
Over the years I have always had a contingent of students in my classroom with a strong ability to care for others. These children are quick to notice when someone else needs help. They are more in touch with what is going on with other students in the class. Their ability to reach outside of themselves is a gift.
This gift often comes with a price, however. Frequently, these students spend an inordinate amount of time looking to the needs of others, and they don’t get what they themselves need to have done completed. Sometimes, they are borderline nosy – wanting to get in on any conversation or interaction that is taking place, even when it doesn’t concern them.
Sadly, the end result is often that these caring students actually don’t accomplish their own academic goals, because they lose focus easily, being distracted with what is going on with others. As they make the problems of others their own, their own work suffers.
In my walk with the Lord, I am guilty of spending time dealing with problems that He never intended. I take on unneeded burdens. I lose focus as I concentrate on problems that I am not meant to solve.
My human brain wants to work things out. I want to know the path I need to take and I want to be equipped with all I need for my journey. Uncertainties concern me and I work to eliminate them if at all possible.
I can spend hours weighing details to figure out the best plan of action. Planning in itself is not a bad thing. I don’t want to blindly move forward through life. My dilemma is that I spend an inordinate amount of time weighing my options. I get scared that I will make the wrong choice. That unhealthy fear breeds stress.

For example, at one point I needed to make a career decision. I spent hours considering all the potential openings that might take place. I pondered how the school might align their staffing needs and who was most likely to stay and who might leave an opening. My mind twisted and turned with all the potential options, wondering where I might fit in.
What a waste of time! This whole thought process was not my problem.
Instead, what I should have been doing was leave the matter in the Lord’s hands. How different my days would have been if I had lifted up my career in prayer, trusting God to lead me where He needed me and letting go of all the details out of my control.
As I write this, I am in the middle of another career choice. What do I do? I gravitate to my old bad habits of trying to sort it all out myself. It’s an easy path to take but it leads to stress that I am never meant to bear.
It’s time to let God be God. He designed me in intricate detail with particular gifts and abilities that He needs me to use in His kingdom. I must trust that He will open the doors where He wants me to be and that He will give me what I need when I need it. I do not need to overthink all the details – He has those under control.
My future is not my problem. It is God’s. I need to stop trying to do His job.
I am not advocating that we just sit around and do nothing and expect all our decisions by divine intervention. God does gives us brains and He expects us to use them. However, we need to let God take care of the details. He knows our future. He knows what is best for us. Trusting Him to lead us on the right path is essential for our well-being. Leaving our cares in His amazing hands is critical.
What choices are you facing in life today? Are you stranded in the muck of too many details or too many options? Do you lose out on life today as you worry about tomorrow?
Take hold of the promises from our loving Heavenly Father. Trust Him to figure out what is best for you at this time and place. He will provide what you need and He knows best what that is.
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